29 July 2022

My Journey Taking Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET (Tropical – Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training)

This is a record of my journey when I took Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET (Tropical – Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) by OPITO at Samson Tiara. I learned a lot about life, death, and safety. Prepare yourself to get information about “Safety and Survival”.

I started to know about T-BOSIET when I shared information with the Digital World about various kinds of Safety And Survival Training.

Since an accident had happened to me, I felt that I needed the right knowledge about safety and the right way to survive. This mind convinced me that T-BOSIET is the right course for me.

Note: The story about the accident that happened to me can be read at https://astridamalia.blogspot.com/2019/04/when-lord-jesus-christ-makes-me-live.html

I registered for T-BOSIET by OPITO at Samson Tiara, a company that provides the best Safety & Survival Training in Indonesia and Asia. The registration process was very easy. I contacted the Samson Tiara Marketing Team (marketing@survival-systems.com) and they are the ones who helped to register with OPITO. Then, all information regarding the link to access Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET can only be provided by OPITO and Atlas Knowledge to the registered email address.

The form of T-BOSIET that I took was Digital Delivery. OPITO launched T-BOSIET in Online form in 2017. For Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET, OPITO collaborates with Atlas Knowledge and Rackspace in the UK.

When compared with T-BOSIET in the form of Face-to-Face Class, there is no change in the knowledge taught. What has changed is the way to learn the theory which used to be only done in the Face-to-Face Class, but now it can also be done through Online Class – a learning process that can be done anywhere using a PC, laptop & internet connection. I had to complete the process of learning theory through Online / Digital Training before doing practice and getting an assessment of learning outcomes at the Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center.

I also believe that digital courses are the best choice, especially at this time when I have to keep my distance from other people.

The key is: “40% Theory, 60% Practice” :-)

The process to take Digital Delivery – T-BOSET:
- I had to register first on the link provided by OPITO and Atlas Knowledge
- If I fail to access the portal, I have to contact Samson Tiara to unlock the account

Note: In the future, if I want to take a course at a different Course Provider Company, I will have to contact Samson Tiara first who will provide the information to the new Course Provider Company which will then take over the account and keep all the history.

When taking the Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET, the lesson began with a Video containing the profile of OPITO. Furthermore, some of the topics I studied were:
- Module 1 – Safety Induction
- Module 2 – Helicopter Safety and Escape
- Module 3 – Sea Survival and First Aid
- Module 4 – Fire Fighting and Self-Rescue

I had to complete one module before moving on to another. Although it was highly recommended to do Digital Delivery sequentially, I could choose a module that was easier, shorter and I know.

Safety Induction

At Safety Induction, I gained knowledge of:
- Industry and Installation
- Safety Regulations on Offshore Installations
- Ways to identify and control hazards and risks Offshore
- Ways to manage safety in Offshore Installations
- Ways to control dangers Offshore
- Ways to manage safety Offshore
- What to do when living and working Offshore
- Offshore Installation Operations and their impact on the surrounding environment
- Medications are given by doctors and their administration procedures
- Alcohol and various abused substances and regulations against them
- PPE that must be used when working on Offshore Installations
- How to report incidents and accidents that occur in Offshore Installations
- Role of Offshore Medic

Helicopter Safety and Escape

On Helicopter Safety and Escape I gained knowledge of:
- Correct check-in, boarding, disembarking, and safety procedures when flying by Helicopter Offshore
- The correct way to wear a life jacket and install a spray guard in the water
- Emergencies that occur in the Helicopter
- Procedures for conducting Helicopter landings and emergency landings
- Evacuation process
- The way to escape is by opening the Push Window and Exit on the Helicopter
- Rescue Liferaft & ways to help others to be on the liferaft
- Submerged and underwater Helicopter
- Overturned Helicopter

Sea Survival and First Aid

In Survival at Sea and First Aid, I gained knowledge of:
- Rescue device on Helicopter
- Correct posture
- Techniques to survive in the sea
- Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP)
- Ways to self-protect from the waves
- How to carry out the Evacuation Process at sea
- How to do the First Aid to help the victim before the Medical Personnel arrive (check the respiratory tract & others)
- How to choose the correct PPE (life jacket & more)
- Lifeboat and TEMPSC Offshore
- Actions to take when an emergency occurs
- Search and Rescue Operations
- Ways to self-save from water

Fire Fighting and Self-Rescue

In Fire Fighting and Self-Rescue I gained knowledge of:
- Ways to self-save in the Offshore environment
- Ways to escape from smoke-filled areas
- Fire & fire-related hazards
- Techniques to extinguish fires with Portable Fire Extinguishers properly

Graduated :-)

After doing Digital Delivery – T-BOSIET for 1 day, OPITO and Atlas Knowledge stated that I had successfully completed the theoretical process 100% and successfully passed the course.
Next, I have to practice at the Samson Tiara Cilegon Training Center. What's the next story? Please wait for the update :-)

T-BOSIET, Military, and Oil and Gas Industry

I also had the opportunity to have a discussion with Jim Truesdell – the President Director at Samson Tiara. He said that in the beginning, T-BOSIET was created to be used by the military. Then, the Oil and Gas Industry was also given the space to use it so that this industry could use Helicopters properly.

Jim said that one of the most important people behind the creation of T-BOSIET is Albert Bohemier.

Profile of Albert Bohemier:
- Founder of Survival Systems, Ltd in Canada
- The person who invented, and designed the Modular Egress Training Simulator (METS)
- Former Military Helicopter Pilot who survived the Helicopter crash

To Jim, Albert once told that the training in the Military was not what happens in reality and the real world. The training in the Military also did absolutely nothing to help him survive. Later, Albert dedicates most of the rest of his life to improving training methodologies and materials for training people who need to fly on water using Helicopters. Albert spends most of the money he has and earns to do Research and Development and to constantly update his training and Survival Techniques at sea and in cold water.

The research I did to find information about Albert Bohemier led me to additional facts:
- Albert's Helicopter crash occurred in 1981
- After the accident occurred, Albert Bohemier then determined to help others by sharing his experiences so that others can continue their lives
- That experience was also used by Albert as the basis of the Soul Rescue Training
- Albert is also developing additional high-tech simulators for use in areas where the conditions are similar to waters where Helicopters, Planes, and Vehicles crash and overturn in water
- Since 2012, METS made by Albert is also provided in every Military service in the United States
- Albert's current purpose in life is: “Saving Lives”

Jim Truesdell is well acquainted with Albert Bohemier, now retired, as a man with good character. Jim also values Albert very much as his best friend. Albert is also a good friend of David Donaldson, Jim's partner at Samson Tiara. It was the personal friendship between Albert, Jim, and David that brought METS to Samson Tiara and is used in courses provided by Samson Tiara, one of them is HUET. This close-knit friendship also opened the door of Albert's house in Canada for Jim and also opened the door of Jim's house in Jakarta for Albert.

Lesson To Learn

The important lessons I learned from this process are:
- I have to always be aware so I can save my life
- Awareness can be had by studying, studying, and studying
- Save my life first, so I might be able to save someone else's life too
- If possible, I should not 100% rely on other people and other parties to save my life because maybe they can't and won't be able to save me
- I can only rely on the other people and other parties who have taken proper training and have the right abilities to save lives
- True friendship will always bring goodness and progress to our lives

Note: All images here are taken from OPITO.

PT Samson Tiara / Survival Systems Asia
Kawasan Komersial Cilandak
The Garden Center #6-03 Jl. Raya Cilandak KKO
Jakarta 12560 – Indonesia
Phone: +62217801388
Fax: +62217801389
Email: marketing@survival-systems.com
Email: office@survival-systems.com

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