29 January 2025

Perimenopause Phase

Health: Perimenopause Phase

Information about Perimenopause that everyone should know, men and women ๐Ÿ˜Š

Perimenopause Phase is the time before Menopause when a woman's body begins to make a natural transition to no longer menstruating. This is a normal condition of aging.

Perimenopause Phase usually occurs in the mid-40s to early 50s. On average, the Perimenopause Phase begins about 4-6 years before Menopause (the point when menstruation is stopped).

Another fact: Some women can experience the Perimenopause Phase earlier (in their 30s), and others may not experience it until their 50s. This can happen mostly due to genetic factors.

During Perimenopause, menstruation usually becomes irregular:
- Becomes less
- Becomes shorter
- Becomes heavier
- Becomes longer

This phase can last for several years, and changes in the cycle are mostly due to fluctuations in hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone).

Some other common signs of Perimenopause (apart from changes in the period):
- Hot flashes
- Excessive sweating
- Sleep disturbances
- Mood swings
- Irritability and anger
- Fatigue

Here are some tips for dealing with some of the side effects of Perimenopause:

* Hot flashes and sweating can be very uncomfortable. Ways to deal with them:
- Drink water
- Calm the mind
- Meditate
- Control the breathing
- Wear light clothes
- Stay in a cool place, either with a fan or air conditioning
- Sleep under a light blanket
- Avoid hot drinks, spicy foods, and alcohol
- Don't smoke

* Sleep disturbances.  How to deal with it:
- Reduce coffee and tea consumption
- Avoid electronic devices (cell phones, computers, and TV) before going to bed
- Take a warm bath before going to bed
- Make sure the bedroom is cool, dark and quiet
- Use eye masks and earplugs when sleeping
- Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day

* Mood swings and irritability, anger, anxiety, and sadness. How to deal with it:
- Exercise regularly to release endorphins that can improve mood and reduce stress
- Do meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises that can balance emotions
- Eat more fruits and vegetables that can stabilize the body's condition
- Chat with trusted people
- Do not consume too much sugar and caffeine that can interfere with emotions and feelings
- Do not smoke

* Fatigue and decreased energy. How to deal with it:
- Keep doing activities, exercise,e and walk regularly
- Take a short nap for 20-30 minutes that can restore energy without affecting sleep at night
- Eat regularly

* Disorders of bone health. How to handle it:
- Consume Calcium and Vitamin D, especially through food
- Do weight-bearing exercises and walking

Hopefully, this information is useful for women so that women can take the right steps to care for themselves during this Perimenopause Phase. Hopefully, the Perimenopause Phase can be handled properly.

Be proactive and open to learning about changes in your body.


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid which contains many things that I feel in my life:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology,  #Information, #Research, #Business, #Leadership & more. 

Fase Perimenopause

Kesehatan: Fase Perimenopause

Informasi mengenai Perimenopause yang harus diketahui oleh semua orang, laki-laki dan Perempuan ๐Ÿ˜Š

Fase Perimenopause adalah waktu menjelang Menopause saat tubuh Perempuan mulai melakukan transisi alami untuk tidak lagi mengalami menstruasi. Hal ini adalah kondisi normal dari penuaan.

Fase Perimenopause biasanya terjadi pada pertengahan usia 40-an sampai awal usia 50-an. Rata-rata, Fase Perimenopause dimulai sekitar 4-6 tahun sebelum Menopause (titik ketika Anda tidak mengalami menstruasi).

Fakta lain: Sebagian Perempuan dapat mengalami Fase Perimenopause lebih awal (di usia 30-an), dan sebagian lainnya mungkin tidak mengalaminya hingga usia 50-an. Hal ini dapat terjadi sebagian besar karena faktor Genetika.

Selama Perimenopause, menstruasi biasanya menjadi tidak teratur:
- Menjadi lebih sedikit
- Menjadi lebih pendek
- Menjadi lebih deras
- Menjadi lebih panjang

Fase ini dapat berlangsung selama beberapa tahun, dan perubahan dalam siklus sebagian besar disebabkan oleh fluktuasi kadar hormon (estrogen dan progesteron).

Beberapa tanda umum Perimenopause lainnya (selain perubahan pada menstruasi):
- Rasa panas
- Berkeringat terlalu banyak
- Gangguan tidur
- Perubahan suasana hati
- Mudah tersinggung dan marah
- Kelelahan

Berikut adalah panduan untuk menangani beberapa efek samping dari Perimenopause:

* Rasa panas dan berkeringat yang bisa terasa sangat tidak nyaman. Cara untuk menanganinya:
- Minum air putih
- Tenangkan pikiran
- Lakukan meditasi
- Atur pernapasan
- Kenakan kain yang tipis dan menyerap keringat
- Berada di tempat yang sejuk, baik itu dengan menggunakan kipas angin atau AC
- Tidur dengan selimut yang tipis
- Tidak mengkonsumsi minuman yang panas, makanan yang pedas, dan alkohol
- Tidak merokok

* Gangguan tidur. Cara untuk menanganinya:
- Kurangi minum kopi dan teh
- Hindari benda elektronik (ponsel, komputer dan TV) sebelum tidur
- Mandi dengan air hangat sebelum tidur
- Pastikan kamar tidur dalam kondisi sejuk, gelap, dan tenang
- Gunakan alat penutup mata dan penyumbat telinga ketika tidur
- Usahakan untuk tidur dan bangun pada waktu yang sama setiap hari

* Perubahan suasana hati dan mudah tersinggung, marah, cemas dan sedih. Cara untuk menanganinya:
- Berolahraga secara teratur untuk melepaskan endorfin yang dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan mengurangi stres
- Melakukan meditasi, latihan yoga, dan latihan pernapasan yang dapat menyeimbangkan emosi
- Memakan lebih banyak buah dan sayuran yang dapat menstabilkan kondisi tubuh
- Mengobrol dengan orang yang dipercaya
- Tidak terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi gula dan kafein yang dapat mengganggu emosi dan perasaan
- Tidak merokok

* Kelelahan dan penurunan energi. Cara untuk menanganinya:
- Tetap melakukan aktifitas, berolahraga, dan berjalan secara rutin
- Melakukan tidur siang singkat selama 20-30 menit yang dapat memulihkan energi tanpa mempengaruhi tidur malam
- Makan secara teratur

* Gangguan pada kesehatan tulang. Cara untuk menanganinya:
- Konsumsi Kalsium dan Vitamin D, terutama melalui makanan
- Melakukan latihan untuk menahan beban dan berjalan

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi para Perempuan, sehingga Perempuan dapat mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk merawat diri selama Fase Perimenopause ini. Semoga Fase Perimenopause dapat ditangani dengan tepat.

Bersikaplah proaktif dan terbuka untuk mempelajari perubahan pada tubuh.


About me:

- https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com
- https://astridamalia.blogspot.com
- https://theresiamariafaustina.blogspot.com

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid that contains many things that I feel in my life at:

- https://x.com/AstridYogini
- https://x.com/thermafa
- https://bsky.app/profile/astridamalia.bsky.social

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology,  #Information, #Research, #Business, #Leadership & more.

Changes In Sleep Patterns

Health: Changes In Sleep Patterns

Some of my Yoga clients experience changes in their sleep patterns.

The changes in their sleep patterns are:
- Sleeping too short
- Sleeping too long
- Sleeping less often
- Sleeping more often

These changes in sleep patterns usually occur because of:

- Physical condition: Fatigue due to activity (work or exercise), and illness in the body

- Mental condition: Emotional factors, stress, and anxiety

- Lifestyle and activities: Changes in daily routines, and eating patterns (diet)

- Changes in weather and temperature: Cold temperatures (due to rain, air conditioning, or snow), and hot temperatures (due to the sun)

- Especially for women: Changes in hormones (Perimenopause). The phase leading up to menopause, called perimenopause, can cause changes in hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and these changes in hormones can cause sleep disturbances. Perimenopause can also cause hot flashes, night sweats, or mood swings that can also interfere with sleep.

The best advice I usually give is:

- Immediately extend the sleep time if the body needs it, especially when they feel tired and stressed
- Adjust the lifestyle so that changes in sleep patterns can be handled
- Adopt a healthier diet
- Do enough exercise and activity (not too much or too little)
- Always maintain a healthy and appropriate mind


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid which contains many things that I feel in my life:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology,  #Information, #Research, #Business, #Leadership & more. 

Perubahan Pada Pola Tidur

Kesehatan: Perubahan Pada Pola Tidur

Beberapa klien Yoga saya mengalami perubahan pada pola tidur mereka.

Perubahan pada pola tidur yang terjadi pada mereka adalah:
- Waktu tidurnya menjadi terlalu sebentar
- Waktu tidurnya menjadi terlalu lama
- Menjadi jarang tidur
- Menjadi sering tidur

Perubahan pada pola tidur ini biasanya terjadi karena:

- Kondisi fisik: Adanya kelelahan karena aktivitas (pekerjaan atau olahraga), dan adanya penyakit di dalam tubuh

- Kondisi mental: Adanya faktor emosional, stres, dan kecemasan

- Gaya hidup dan aktivitas: Adanya perubahan pada rutinitas sehari-hari, dan pola makan (diet)

- Perubahan pada cuaca dan suhu: Suhu dingin (karena hujan, AC atau salju), dan suhu panas (karena matahari)

- Khususnya untuk perempuan: Adanya perubahan pada hormon (Perimenopause). Fase menjelang menopause, yang disebut perimenopause, dapat mengakibatkan perubahan pada hormon (estrogen dan progesteron), dan perubahan pada hormon ini dapat menyebabkan gangguan tidur. Perimenopause juga mengakibatkan hot flashes, keringat pada malam hari, atau perubahan suasana hati yang dapat menggangu tidur juga.

Saran terbaik yang biasanya saya berikan adalah:

- Segeralah memperpanjang waktu tidur bila tubuh membutuhkannya, terutama ketika merasa lelah dan stres
- Sesuaikanlah gaya hidup yang dilakukan sehingga perubahan pada pola tidur dapat ditangani
- Lakukanlah pola makan atau diet yang lebih sehat
- Lakukanlah olahraga dan aktifitas yang secukupnya (tidak berlebihan atau berkekurangan)
- Selalu menjaga pikiran yang sehat dan tepat


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid that contains many things that I feel in my life at:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology,  #Information, #Research, #Business, #Leadership & more. 

28 January 2025

Therapy To Handle Fear And Stress

Mental Health: Therapy To Handle Fear And Stress

After being able to overcome the fear and stress that occurred in some of my Yoga clients, I finally realized that fear and stress have happened to everyone. Some are visible, some are invisible.

Finding a way to relax and let go of worries is the most important thing right now!

Here are the therapies I do with my Yoga clients so that they can feel calmer and more relaxed:

- I say something that can make them feel cared for and supported: "You are important! I hear you!"

- I teach them to do "Breathing Exercises" to calm the mind, calm the heart rate, and focus the mind on themselves. Breathing is done by inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 4 seconds, and repeating from the beginning.

- I teach them to do Mindful and Self-Aware Meditation to help them release themselves from anxious thoughts. They must be aware of their body, feelings, and thoughts. They must be present for themselves. They need to stop their mind from wandering too far and creating fear.

- I ask them to imagine themselves in a peaceful place (beach, forest, or any place that makes them feel calm and safe), and enjoy the sights and sounds. This can help shift the fear to calm.

- I ask them to be kind to themselves and to love themselves because sometimes fear comes from self-doubt and negative thoughts.

- I ask them to remind themselves that it is okay to feel afraid, but they must take small steps to move forward and move on with their lives in a healthy, safe, and peaceful way.

- I ask them to de-stress and take a break from things that make them feel scared and anxious. This can be done by staying away from social media, avoiding upsetting news, and taking time to relax without any pressure.

- I ask them to relax and do physical activities such as stretching, yoga, and walking which can help relieve stress, release tension in the body, and calm the mind. This movement helps them to stay calm and distracts them from fear and stress.

- I ask them to write down their fears and stress. This can help them to release the fear and stress from their body.

- I ask them to listen to calming music which can be a powerful way to calm their mind. The right music can help change their mood and create a sense of peace.

I give my Yoga clients the freedom to do the above therapy step by step. It is my honor to be able to help them and offer comfort and support. They can always reach out to me for help and support.

My mission is: To touch hearts and souls through kindness and connection as much as I can.

May you stay healthy and happy! ๐Ÿ˜Š ✨ ๐Ÿงก


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid which contains many things that I feel in my life:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology,  #Information, #Research, #Business, #Leadership & more. 

Terapi Untuk Mengatasi Rasa Takut Dan Stres

Kesehatan Mental: Terapi Untuk Mengatasi Rasa Takut Dan Stres

Setelah saya dapat mengatasi rasa takut dan stres yang terjadi pada beberapa klien Yoga saya, saya akhirnya menyadari bahwa rasa takut dan stres sudah terjadi pada semua orang. Ada yang terlihat, ada juga yang tidak terlihat.

Menemukan cara untuk merasa rileks dan melepaskan kekhawatiran adalah hal yang terpenting saat ini!

Berikut adalah terapi yang saya lakukan terhadap para klien Yoga saya agar mereka dapat merasa lebih tenang dan rileks:

- Saya mengatakan sesuatu yang dapat membuat mereka merasa diperhatikan dan didukung: "Kamu penting! Aku mendengarkanmu!"

- Saya mengajari mereka untuk melakukan "Latihan Pernapasan" untuk menenangkan pikiran, menenangkan detak jantung dan memusatkan pikiran pada diri sendiri. Pernapasan dilakukan dengan menarik napas selama 4 detik, menahan napas selama 4 detik, membuang napas selama 4 detik, menahan napas selama 4 detik, dan mengulanginya dari awal.

- Saya mengajari mereka untuk melakukan Meditasi yang memperhatikan dan menyadari diri sendiri untuk membantu mereka melepaskan diri dari pikiran cemas. Mereka harus menyadari tubuh, perasaan, dan pikiran mereka. Mereka harus hadir untuk diri mereka sendiri. Mereka harus mencegah pikiran yang mengembara terlalu jauh dan menimbulkan rasa takut.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk membayangkan diri mereka berada di tempat yang damai (pantai, hutan, atau tempat mana pun yang membuat mereka merasa tenang dan aman), dan menikmati pemandangan dan suaranya. Hal ini dapat membantu mengalihkan rasa takut ke ketenangan.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk bersikap baik kepada diri mereka sendiri dan menyayangi diri sendiri, karena terkadang rasa takut muncul dari keraguan pada diri sendiri dan pikiran negatif.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk mengingatkan diri mereka sendiri bahwa tidak apa-apa untuk merasa takut, namun harus tetap melakukan langkah-langkah kecil untuk maju ke depan dan meneruskan hidup dengan benar, aman dan damai.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk melepaskan diri dari pemicu stres dan beristirahat dari hal-hal yang membuat mereka merasa takut dan cemas. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan menjauhi media sosial, menghindari berita yang menyedihkan, dan memberi waktu untuk bersantai tanpa tekanan apa pun.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk merilekskan diri dan melakukan aktivitas fisik seperti peregangan, yoga, dan jalan santai yang dapat membantu melepaskan stres, menghilangkan ketegangan dalam tubuh dan menenangkan pikiran. Gerakan ini membantu mereka untuk tetap tenang dan mengalihkan mereka dari rasa takut dan stres.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk membuat catatan tentang rasa takut dan stres yang mereka rasakan. Hal ini dapat membantu mereka untuk menghilangkan rasa takut dan stres dari tubuh mereka.

- Saya meminta mereka untuk mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan yang dapat menjadi cara yang ampuh untuk menenangkan pikiran mereka. Musik yang tepat dapat membantu mengubah suasana hati mereka dan menciptakan rasa damai.

Saya memberikan kebebasan kepada para klien Yoga saya untuk melakukan terapi diatas selangkah demi selangkah. Merupakan suatu kehormatan bagi saya untuk dapat membantu mereka dan menawarkan kenyamanan dan dukungan. Mereka selalu dapat menghubungi saya untuk membantu mereka dan memberikan dukungan.

Misi saya adalah: Menyentuh hati dan jiwa melalui kebaikan dan koneksi maksimal yang dapat saya berikan.

Semoga Anda tetap sehat dan bahagia! ๐Ÿ˜Š ✨ ๐Ÿงก


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid that contains many things that I feel in my life at:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Information, #Research,  #Business, #Leadership & more. 

27 January 2025

AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta

Health: AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta

This is my experience when I got a very comfortable relaxation session at AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta.

Before visiting AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta, I contacted them via WhatsApp to schedule my visit. They provided information about their operating hours. They operate every day from 10 am to 11 pm.

When I visited AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta which is located on the 2nd floor of AYANA Midplaza Jakarta, I was warmly welcomed by their staff. I took the 90-minute Full Body Massage Program.

The rooms for the Massage Program have massage beds, showers, and bathtubs.

Before doing the 90-minute Full Body Massage Program, my feet were cleaned first. Then I was asked to choose 3 types of massage oil. The oil I chose was Lavender Oil which has a very strong scent and I like it.

The 90-minute Full Body Massage Program in bed began with my body positioned face down with my back facing up. The last massage was done when my body was lying on my back with my chest facing up. The massage started from the feet to the back, shoulders, and head. The massage method was pushing, pressing and rotating, and pushing again. All the massages were directed to the chest. The massage was really done in detail, strong and deep. Nice!

After getting a massage that improved blood circulation in my body and relaxed my muscles, I could also enjoy the spa area consisting of the whirlpool, sauna, and steam. Cool!

AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta also offers various other services, and some of them are:
- Gym / Fitness Center
- Tennis Court
- Swimming Pool

AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta is the right place for professional workers and business people to relax their bodies. The service provided by AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta is the best service!

I would like to thank The Edge Summit Asia / Hong Kong - Indonesia Digital Summit, April Lam from Aello Consulting, the whole team at The Edge, HKTDC, and AYANA Spa And Wellness Jakarta at AYANA Midplaza Jakarta. This could happen because of all of you. I appreciate your kindness. Hopefully, we can meet again.


AYANA Spa & Wellness Jakarta at AYANA Midplaza Jakarta
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Central Jakarta,
- Phone: +6221-2510888
- WhatsApp Number: +62-852-1955-8886


About me:

Find my hashtag called #DiaryOfAstrid which contains many things that I feel in my life:

I write about #Hobby, #Health, #Yoga, #Mental, #Training, #Course, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, #HSE, #Safety, #Security, #Survival, #Emergency, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Drone, #AI, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Information, #Research,  #Business, #Leadership & more. 

21 December 2024

Sleep Is The Best Way To Recover And Improve Health

Health: Sleep Is The Best Way To Recover And Improve Health

If you often feel aches and pains, heal your body by sleeping and increasing your sleep time.

The best time to sleep is more than 8 hours per day!

The best things about sleep:

* By sleeping more than 8 hours, you will not often feel muscle aches and pain.

* More sleep makes aches and pains easier to prevent, reduce, and treat more quickly.

* By getting more sleep, you can reduce your chances of injury.

* By sleeping more than 8 hours, you have the best muscles, mental and intelligence.

* Sleep is a source of endurance, strength, freshness, and fitness.

* Sleep is the best medicine for stress, trauma, and anxiety.

Improve your quality of life by sleeping more! Make sure to sleep more than 8 hours per day!


I am Astrid Amalia, a Blogger at https://astridamalia.blogspot.com.

I write about #Hobby, #Training, #Course, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, and more.

Find me on Linktree: astrid.amalia 

20 December 2024

Tidur Adalah Cara Terbaik Untuk Memulihkan Dan Meningkatkan Kesehatan

Kesehatan: Tidur Adalah Cara Terbaik Untuk Memulihkan Dan Meningkatkan Kesehatan

Bila Anda sering merasa nyeri dan sakit, sembuhkanlah tubuh Anda dengan tidur dan menambah waktu tidur.

Waktu untuk tidur terbaik adalah lebih dari 8 jam per hari!

Hal terbaik tentang tidur:

* Dengan melakukan tidur lebih dari 8 jam, Anda tidak akan terlalu sering merasa nyeri di otot dan merasa sakit.

* Dengan lebih banyak tidur, rasa nyeri dan sakit lebih mudah untuk dicegah, dikurangi dan ditangani dengan lebih cepat.

* Dengan melakukan tidur lebih lama, Anda dapat mengurangi kemungkinan untuk cedera.

* Dengan tidur lebih dari 8 jam, Anda memiliki otot, mental dan kecerdasan terbaik.

* Tidur adalah sumber dari daya tahan, kekuatan, kesegaran dan kebugaran.

* Tidur adalah obat terbaik untuk stres, trauma dan kecemasan.

Tingkatkanlah kualitas hidup Anda dengan tidur lebih lama! Pastikanlah untuk tidur lebih dari 8 jam per hari!


I am Astrid Amalia, a Blogger at https://astridamalia.blogspot.com.

I write about #Hobby, #Training, #Course, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, and more.

Find me on Linktree: astrid.amalia 

08 December 2024

I Free My Space By Donating To Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ)

I Free My Space By Donating To Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ)

"Don't let your things rot in your house".

The sentence above really stuck in my mind and head.

Therefore, I also looked for a "second home" for various items that were still new but I didn't use, and old items that I didn't use anymore but were still suitable for use by others.

After looking for various information, I suddenly saw an announcement about a Mass that would be held at the Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ). I am sure this is a clue from my Beloved Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord Jesus always shows what is good and right!

I then contacted PVJ and asked about donations, items, and the process.

After getting enough information, I enthusiastically collected various new items that I had not used and several used items that I felt were still suitable for donation to PVJ.

After all the items that I wanted to donate were collected properly, I dared to visit PVJ to deliver the items.

When I entered the front yard of PVJ, I felt calm and loved in this place. Of course, with a sense of security, because there are security guards in the front yard and back yard. ๐Ÿ’ช

My visit was well received by one of the officers at PVJ, Siska.

Siska also provided very useful information for those who want to donate:

- Some things received by PVJ: Funds, milk, food, goods, equipment, and supplies for babies, children, and teenagers who are orphans and have special needs. Milk and food must not be stale or rotten.

- Items received: New items and used items that are no longer used but are still in good condition and still suitable for use. These items must not be damaged.

- How to send: Come directly to PVJ or through the Delivery Service

For more information, please contact PVJ at:

Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ)
Jalan Kramat Raya No. 134,
Central Jakarta 10430,

* Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
* Phone: +62 21 3141055, 31903659, 3918759
* Mobile Number / WhatsApp: +62-812-1890-0314 (PIC: Rina)

For those who want to donate, please donate! Hopefully, your donation is useful!

"Don't let your things rot in your house. Because a clean house is a happy house".


I am Astrid Amalia, a Blogger at https://astridamalia.blogspot.com.

I write about #Hobby, #Training, #Course, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, and more.

Find me on Linktree: astrid.amalia 

01 December 2024

Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta

Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ)

"Jangan biarkan barangmu membusuk di rumahmu".

Kalimat diatas sungguh menempel di dalam pikiran dan kepala saya.

Oleh sebab itu, saya pun mencari "rumah kedua" bagi berbagai barang yang masih baru tapi tidak saya pakai dan barang yang sudah lama dan sudah tidak saya pakai lagi namun masih layak untuk dipakai oleh orang lain.

Setelah mencari berbagai informasi, tiba-tiba saya melihat pengumuman tentang Misa yang akan diadakan di Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ). Saya yakin ini adalah Petunjuk Dari Tuhanku Terkasih Yesus Kristus! Tuhan Yesus selalu menunjukkan yang benar, baik dan tepat!

Saya kemudian menghubungi PVJ dan menanyakan beberapa hal tentang sumbangan, barang dan prosesnya.

Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang saya rasa cukup, saya pun dengan penuh semangat mengumpulkan berbagai barang baru namun belum saya pakai dan beberapa barang bekas yang saya rasa masih layak untuk disumbangkan ke PVJ.

Setelah semua barang yang mau saya sumbangkan terkumpul dengan baik, maka saya memberanikan diri untuk berkunjung ke PVJ untuk mengantarkan barang-barang tersebut.

Ketika saya masuk ke halaman depan dari PVJ, saya merasakan ketenangan dan cinta di tempat ini. Tentu juga dengan rasa aman, karena ada para Satpam di halaman depan dan halaman belakang. ๐Ÿ’ช

Kunjungan saya diterima dengan baik oleh salah satu petugas di PVJ, Ibu Siska.

Ibu Siska juga memberikan informasi yang sangat berguna bagi mereka yang mau menyumbang:

- Beberapa hal yang diterima oleh PVJ: Dana, susu, makanan, barang, peralatan dan perlengkapan untuk bayi, anak-anak dan remaja yang yatim piatu dan berkebutuhan khusus. Susu dan makanannya tidak boleh basi dan busuk.

- Barang yang diterima: Barang baru dan barang bekas yang sudah tidak dipakai lagi namun masih dalam kondisi baik dan masih layak untuk dipakai dan digunakan. Barang-barang tersebut tidak boleh rusak.

- Cara untuk mengirimkan: Bisa datang langsung ke PVJ atau melalui Jasa Pengiriman Barang

Informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan mengontak PVJ di:

Perhimpunan Vincentius Jakarta (PVJ)
Jalan Kramat Raya No. 134,
Jakarta Pusat 10430,

* Jam Buka: Senin - Jumat, 8 pagi - 4 sore
* Telp: +62 21 3141055, 31903659, 3918759
* Nomor Ponsel / WhatsApp: +62-812-1890-0314 (PIC: Ibu Rina)

Bagi yang mau menyumbang, silahkan menyumbang! Semoga sumbangan Anda berguna!

"Jangan biarkan barangmu membusuk di rumahmu. Karena rumah yang bersih adalah rumah yang membahagiakan".


I am Astrid Amalia, a Blogger at https://astridamalia.blogspot.com.

I write about #Hobby, #Training, #Course, #Digital, #Education, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Catholic, #Jesus, #Christ, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

22 July 2024

My Sixth Sense

I often feel, see, and think about "unseen things". Some people inform me that I have a special sense – the Sixth Sense – a sense that not everyone has.

Several things that happened to me that were related to my Sixth Sense:

Medical Research Regarding The Sixth Sense

All humans have five senses:
- The sense of sight (eyes)
- The sense of touch (skin)
- The sense of smell (nose)
- The sense of taste (tongue)
- The sense of hearing (ears)

In everyday life, the five senses play a role in obtaining information about the world around us.

The Sixth Sense is an ability above normal limits which is related to receiving information through thoughts and feelings. Usually, the Sixth Sense is not obtained through the five senses. The Sixth Sense can also be called Extra Sensory Perception / ESP.

According to Medical Research, the Sixth Sense is the ability to:
- Read other people's thoughts
- Know about events or things that other people don't know
- Feel that something is not right
- Predict and see the future
- Feel something based on instinct or intuition
- Receive information that is not obtained through the five senses
- See, hear, and feel things that no one else can see, hear, and feel

The Sixth Sense is also considered as:
- The special ability of the body to monitor and sense various things in the surrounding environment, including monitoring and sensing danger
- The special ability of the body to issue warnings
- The special ability of the body to ask the owner of the Sixth Sense to be careful and escape from emergencies

Medical Research also says that the Sixth Sense usually presents from birth and can also be the result of gene mutations.

People who have the Sixth Sense are considered to have:
- Special powers in their body
- Sensitivity to thoughts and feelings
- Intelligence above normal or extraordinary
- Special talents
- Special ability to detect and remember
- Special abilities in certain fields

Opinion From The Religious Expert Regarding The Sixth Sense

My Sixth Sense also gives me the ability to see spirits.

According to those who are experts in the religious field, some special people are indeed given the ability to see "the other souls".

The ability to see "the other souls" can be owned by those who are:
- Honest
- Clean
- Having a strong inner consciousness
- Having pure love inside
- Sensitive
- Having a close relationship with the Lord

When I discussed with the Religious Experts about my Sixth Sense that I can see "the other souls", their advice was simple. If my Sixth Sense sees any spirits, I am advised to pray for the soul so that it can return to "its world" in peace. Prayer to that soul will also give me blessings.

So that I can be friendly with my Sixth Sense, these are several things I do:
- Ask my Beloved Lord Jesus Christ to pray for me, bless me, guide me, protect me, and save me
- Be honest
- Have positive thinking
- Think clearly with an open mind
- Let the Universe cooperate with me to help me


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Energy, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

Note: Image by Microsoft Designer.

12 June 2024

The Signs That I Saw From Microsoft Build: AI Day Jakarta

Believe it or not, I seem to be able to feel and see several "signs" of various things that happen in my life. It seems like these various signs have special and different meanings. It seems like these signs are signs of the direction and purpose of my activities and life.

Are my feelings right or wrong? I give everything back to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Universe. Only Jesus and the Universe know the answer.

One event that I felt had some "signs" was the Microsoft Build: AI Day Jakarta.

These were some of the things that happened:

- I registered to come to the event 1 week before the event was held and it was immediately approved the next day! Great!

- On my way to the event, the road which was usually very congested became very smooth. Usually, it takes 1 to 2 hours to go to the area. That morning, it only took 40 minutes! I could come to the venue of the event at the JCC faster! I was able to come to the venue 2 hours before the event started! Extraordinary!

- I was one of the first people in line to enter the venue. Very cool ๐Ÿ˜

- While queuing, I met 2 people who are experts in the IT field.
Note: A few days later, I was asked for help by one of them to provide information about the others, which I did. Happy to help!

- During the event, I was able to sit in the second row and next to a director from the best company in the world. We had a good discussion about technology, IT, AI, the person who first talked about AI and others.
Note: A few days later, when I contacted the person for a professional relationship, he asked permission to keep my information. Very polite man!

- During the event, I was happy to be able to watch the entire presentation directly given by Satya Nadella - the Leader at Microsoft. Amazing!

From all the things that occurred above, for me, the clearest things that I took as the best signs were:

- Everything was accelerated, streamlined and easier
- I was allowed to help, even though it was a small help
- I could meet an intelligent and polite person
- I could witness the best person at Microsoft

All were good signs!

My life feels very beautiful and I am happy.

I hear all the words said by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Universe with a happy heart. I believe that all happens according to the words of Jesus and the Universe.


I am Astrid Amalia, the Founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Find me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

27 May 2024

Fall Hazard Awareness For The Construction Industry By TEEX

I am happy to take a course called Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry by Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).

* The course gave great information and knowledge about hazards, falls, accidents, injuries, death, ways to prevent and handle, and more. The course was clear, friendly, and easy to understand. The course helped me in my job.

* The instructor - Antonio De La Torre - at this course acted as a facilitator who guided the students and had friendly interaction with students, so the students could participate in discussions with happy hearts. The instructor gave clear and easy-to-understand knowledge and shared many great information and documents. Amazing!

I would like to take another course with TEEX and the instructor. Thank you, TEEX and Tony De La Torre!

The course gave me knowledge about:
- Hazards and risks at the workplace
- Factors that contribute to fall
- Hazard Inspection, Risk Assessment, and Hazard Analysis
- Hierarchy Of Control
- Safety Regulation by OSHA
- Occupational Safety and Health Standard
- Safety and Health Resources by OSHA
- Ways to identify, analyze, avoid, prevent, minimize, and control hazards at the workplace
- Ways to avoid, minimize, and handle fall
- Ways to remove, replace, isolate, change, and protect
- Solution that should be done by workers and personnel
- Passive Fall Protection and Active Fall Restraint System
- Fall Arrest System and Administrative Control
- PPE, Scaffold, Stairway, Ladder, and more


Hello! I am Astrid Amalia, a founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about many things, including #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Do you have any questions or do you want to have a good discussion? Find out more about me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

26 May 2024

Introduction To Business Intelligence By CFI

I am happy to take the course called Introduction to Business Intelligence by the Corporate Finance Institute (CFI).

The great course is easy to understand, clear in explanation, and detailed in knowledge. It also provides a small book to understand. The teacher is great at explaining in clear and detailed ways! All are the best! Happy to learn and study at CFI! I thank CFI and the teacher of this course - Sebastian Taylor.

This Introduction to Business Intelligence course provides an overview of business intelligence. The course starts with some basic insights into business intelligence and how it differs from data science, before covering the key roles and processes involved. It gives lessons about each role in detail, what skills are essential in each position, how these roles work together to deliver actionable insights, and how they help revolutionize the work.

This course also covers the types of visuals used in business intelligence to deliver key messages to decision-makers, as well as best practices when it comes to design. Lastly, it talks about different types of data, data structures, and files that are commonly used in Business Intelligence.

The course gives me knowledge about:
- Business Intelligence: Definition, Roles, Skills, Tools, Processes
- Data Collection and Storage
- Transforming Data for Projects
- Data Models, Metrics, and Analysis
- Data Visualization
- Report Sharing
- Data Science
- Data Analyst: Extract, Transform, Load, Models, Metrics, Documentation, Tools
- Data Visualization Specialist: Visual. Dashboarding, Communication, Feedback
- Business Leader: Decision, Communication
- Data Engineer: Extract, Transform, Load, Data Warehouse, Data System, Data Governance
- Power Query, Power Pivot, SQL, Tableau, Power BI


Hello! I am Astrid Amalia, a founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about many things, including #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Do you have any questions or do you want to have a good discussion? Find out more about me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

21 May 2024

From My Meditation: I Am Not Elon Musk, Elon Musk Is Not Me, And I Am Happy With My Simple And Enough Life

A few days ago, I saw the lifestyles of cool and famous people, including the extraordinary lifestyle of Elon Musk. Elon Musk has:

- Private jets that can take him anywhere, including to Indonesia

- Many bodyguards who are always ready to protect him

- More than 2 companies that makes him rich and successful

- Many relationships, including good relationships with Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Anindya Bakrie, Jokowi and others

Elon Musk has everything everyone wants. Cool!

Do I want to have the same things? Of course yes. I want to be a successful and rich person like Elon Musk.

However, when I did Meditation, my heart told me that I should be more grateful for everything I have, because everything I have is an indication of the strength I have. My other soul also confirmed that I would not be able to take care of all the things that Elon Musk has because my abilities are limited, not as strong as his abilities.

- If I have a private jet, can I maintain it?

- If I have lots of relationships and bodyguards, will I feel comfortable?

- If I have many companies, do I have time to work and take care of all the companies I own?

I am not Elon Musk and Elon Musk is not me.

The meditation that I did really enlightened me that my life is simple and enough, and that's all I need. This meditation also provides information that each person has their own strength and fortune. One person's strength and fortune are not the same as another person's strength and fortune.

This meditation made me accept me as I am. I am a person whose life is simple and not luxurious. I am a person who lives enough: Enough to eat, enough to work, and enough to live. Nothing more and nothing less. I am happy with my simple and enough lifestyle.

How about you?

Tips from me:

- It is OK to look at the neighbor's grass. There are no restrictions on looking at your neighbor's grass.

- Don't compare your grass with your neighbor's grass. You are not your neighbor, and your neighbor is not you.

- Never want to have the same grass as your neighbors' grasses, because you don't know the efforts and sacrifices your neighbors have made to have their grasses

- Your grass and your neighbor's grass can have the same color - Green - if there is effort and sacrifice according to ability

May your grass always be green. May your life always be enough.


Hello! I am Astrid Amalia, a founder of GWB (GlobalWide Business) at https://globalwidebusiness.blogspot.com.

I write about many things, including #Fire, #Safety, #Survival, #Training, #Course, #Oil, #Gas, #Emergency, #Offshore, #Onshore, #Rescue, #Security, #Digital, #Online, #Education, #Leadership, #Collaboration, #Innovation, #Excellence, #Technology, #Health, #Yoga, #Social, #Life, #Mental, #Business, #DJI, #Drone, #AI, #Robot, and more.

Do you have any questions or do you want to have a good discussion? Find out more about me in Linktree: astrid.amalia

15 March 2024

Electric Vehicle (EV) Safety for the First Responder Course by TEEX

I am happy to take the Electric Vehicle (EV) Safety for the First Responder Course by TEEX (The Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service)!

This course provides me with an awareness level understanding of:
- Safety concerns and differences associated with different EV manufacturers
- Ways to identify hybrid and electric vehicles
- Ways to identify hazard locations
- Guides and resources to determine safe interventions to incidents involving hybrid and electric vehicles
- Ways to choose appropriate tactics to mitigate the hazards in a safe and proficient manner

Li-ion battery technology is a new thing!

To solve the limited knowledge of and experience with the lithium-ion battery technology and the related incidents that can occur, TEEX – the thought leader in public safety training – has developed no-cost training for first responders to identify the issues, challenges, and current practices in preventing, preparing for, and addressing electric vehicle (EV), fires and related emergencies. TEEX has also developed training and practical solutions for lithium-ion battery fire response issues. This initiative is at the core of TEEX’s public safety mission to ensure that the first responder community can make sound decisions to manage the fires safely and effectively.

TEEX in collaboration with Samson Tiara also provides the best training of Fire, Sea Survival, Confined Space, Incident Management, and Onshore Incidents for all industries. All the information about the courses given by Samson Tiara in collaboration with TEEX can be read at: https://www.samson-tiara.co.id/Course/TEEX/

#Electric #Vehicle #EV #Safety #Course #TEEX #Texas #Engineering #Service #Awareness #Hybrid #Hazard #Safe #Incident #Mitigation #Battery #Technology #Lithium #Ion #Lithiumion #Leader #Training #Fire #Emergency #Collaboration #SamsonTiara #Sea #Survival #Management #Onshore 

14 March 2024

Singapore Global Network: Meet Astrid Amalia

I would like to thank Singapore Global Network for writing and publishing the best story about me. I appreciate it. I am happy. ๐Ÿ‘

To read the story, please click this link: https://community.singaporeglobalnetwork.gov.sg/news/12938

Or you can also read it here. ๐Ÿ˜Š


SGNShowtime ๐ŸŒŸ Meet Astrid Amalia ๐ŸŒŸ 
Published on March 14, 2024

The Member Spotlight feature is where we turn the spotlight on remarkable individuals, celebrating their unique journeys and exceptional contributions to our vibrant community! We're thrilled to put the spotlight on the incredible Astrid Amalia this week! Astrid has continually offered strong and unwavering support throughout our network, particularly during our events in Jakarta. Rely on her not only for her expertise but also for the authentic friendship she offers to empower fellow members.

* Tell us about yourself, Astrid! What's your community journey?

I'm Astrid, the Premium Writer at GlobalWide Business (GWB). Dive into my world here as I share insights, data, and research on capability building for health, safety, and emergency roles across diverse industries. Since 2019, my blog has connected with over 13,000 readers. Beyond that, I'm a devoted Yoga Teacher and a healing force as a Craniosacral Therapist.

* Dream Collaboration? Enter Elon Musk

Dreaming big, my ultimate collaboration would be with the visionary Elon Musk. His brilliance goes beyond the norm, and the things he envisions and accomplishes are nothing short of revolutionary.

* Connect with Astrid and Support Her Blog

Let's make Astrid's community journey even more special! Connect with her, learn from her, and show some love to her blog. During her visit to Singapore, she explored the creative and cultural aspects of the city, including churches, museums, and even an old jail cell in the Supreme Court Wing of the National Gallery.


For more information, please contact SGN at: community@singaporeglobalnetwork.sg

#Singapore #Global #Network #SGN #Business #Community #Group #Social #Friend #Friendship #Collaboration #Cooperation #Partnership #Government #Relation #Service #Relationship 

31 December 2023

Data Dan Disrupsi: Menguasai AI Dan Machine Learning Untuk Keuangan

Saya senang telah menyelesaikan Kursus “Data And Disruption: Mastering AI And Machine Learning For Finance” oleh MIT Sloan School Of Management – bagian dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Faktanya adalah bahwa AI sudah ada bersama kita! Hal ini juga telah mengubah industri keuangan.

Sesi “Menguasai AI dan Machine Learning untuk Keuangan" membuat saya belajar tentang cara memanfaatkan potensi penuh AI dan Machine Learning dari para ahli di MIT Sloan School Of Management oleh Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Babson, Deloitte, AICPA -CIMA, dan Workday:

- Mengakui peran keuangan dalam peningkatan produktivitas AI.
- Membangun strategi data yang efektif dengan bantuan model AI baru.
- Menggunakan AI untuk mengotomatiskan alur kerja dan meningkatkan produktivitas.
- Memahami peraturan AI yang akan datang dan dampaknya terhadap keuangan.
- Melatih talenta untuk kesuksesan dalam angkatan kerja yang dilengkapi AI.

5 sesi dalam kursus ini membahas tentang:
- AI dan Ledakan Produktivitas yang Akan Datang
- AI Yang Dapat Dijelaskan: Peran Keuangan dalam Menciptakan Strategi Data yang Efektif
- Keuangan Berbahan Bakar AI: Kasus Penggunaan Praktis untuk Otomatisasi Cerdas
- Implikasi Peraturan dan Bisnis AI
- Meningkatkan Keterampilan Keuangan untuk Tempat Kerja yang Ditambah AI

Dari kursus ini, saya juga membaca artikel mereka "AI and the C-Suite: A Guide to Top-Down AI Implementation". Ini adalah kumpulan artikel dari MIT SMR yang memperluas topik-topik utama yang dibahas dalam “Mastering AI And Machine Learning For Finance.” Setiap artikel memberikan rekomendasi tingkat tinggi yang didukung penelitian untuk keberhasilan penerapan konsep top-down yang tercakup dalam seri pembelajaran.

Ilmu yang saya dapat dari artikel ini:

- Setiap orang di perusahaan harus mengambil keputusan mengenai investasi pada alat Kecerdasan Buatan (AI), termasuk CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
- CFO dapat memberikan dampak kepemimpinan yang lebih besar dalam strategi dan adopsi AI.
- Proses dan Tugas Keuangan dapat dilakukan oleh AI.
- CFO harus mengambil peran dalam Kepemimpinan AI sekarang.
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) itu penting.
- CFO dapat memotivasi pemimpin lain untuk mengadopsi AI dalam bisnisnya.
- CFO dapat menjadi salah satu Eksekutif Paling Penting dalam perjalanan perusahaan menuju penggunaan AI secara efektif.
- Namun… Banyak CFO yang masih lambat memanfaatkan AI, Machine Learning (ML), dan Teknologi Digital secara maksimal.
- CFO yang berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan analitik mereka menggunakan AI dapat memberikan lebih banyak wawasan secara real-time, mengurangi kesalahan manusia, dan mempercepat proses dan pengambilan keputusan.
- CFO dapat menggunakan AI untuk memenuhi Kebutuhan Strategis, mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan ML, menghitung, bekerja sama, berbagi pengalaman dengan divisi lain, meningkatkan keterampilan analitik, dan mengelola perubahan.
- CFO harus berusaha untuk meraih kemitraan dari pihak lain dan kepercayaan serta sponsorship dari seluruh perusahaan.
- CFO dapat mencoba membuat dan menggunakan AI yang Dapat Digunakan Kembali.
- Perusahaan dan seluruh manajemen, termasuk CFO, harus merancang data dan AI, memeriksa hasil kerja AI, dan memantau semuanya, termasuk masalahnya.

Saya berterima kasih kepada MIT Sloan School Of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Workday, Stanford University, Babson, Deloitte, dan AICPA-CIMA. Terima kasih telah berbagi pengetahuan yang luar biasa!

#Data #AI #MachineLearning #Keuangan #Teknologi #Strategi #Intelligent #Automation #Bisnis #Talent #Augmented #Implementation #Riset #Artificial #Intelligence #ArtificialIntelligence #CFO #ChiefFinancialOfficer #Kepemimpinan #Impact #Adoption #RPA #Eksekutif #Advantage #ML #Digital #Manajemen #Robot 

Violence That Happens To Children And Women And Ways To Prevent And Handle It

Violence that usually occurs against children and women:
- Physical violence: Punishment and beatings
- Sexual violence
- Emotional violence: Threats, shouting and bullying
- Unloved
- Untreated
- Discrimination
- Violence based on Ethnicity, Religion and more
- Policies that contain violence

Some traits and characteristics of perpetrators of violence:
- They are not properly educated and guided by their family
- They degrade women and consider women as objects and slaves
- They assume children can be harmed
- They get incorrect information from social media
- They have the wrong view: They consider adult men as leaders, rulers, and decision-makers, who are always right, always honorable, and always number one
- They abuse of power and position

Perpetrators of violence are usually:
- Family: Parents, siblings, and more
- Friends, coworkers, and known people
- New and unknown people


After victims experience violence, they must be cautious if:
- The perpetrator of the violence is 'kind and sweet', apologized, and promised that the perpetrator would not do it again.
- There are other parties, usually the family and relatives of the perpetrator, who actually do the same thing – committing violence by defending the perpetrator, for the "family" reasons.
- Other parties force the victim to forgive the perpetrator with the reasons of "sin and hell".


The action that must be taken by the victim is not to follow all the "commands and orders" above ordered by the perpetrators, their family, and relatives, because one violence will be repeated over and over again, and usually this form of violence that is carried out later and further by the perpetrator, his family and relatives is violence that is worse, rougher and more painful!



The way to prevent violence is to REFUSE and say NO to:
- Dirty and porn talk
- Invitation to view pornographic images and photos, and watch pornographic videos
- Touch
- Invitation to go somewhere and/or do something just the two of you
- Coercion to do something


#Violence #Children #Women #Mental #Health #Soul #Victim #No