08 September 2022

My Opinion About Yoga Movement And Salat

A few days ago, an Online News Media named detikHealth, represented by a journalist named Vidya Pinandhita, revealed that a video was being discussed on Social Media. The video shows a woman wearing a bikini making a gesture in a public place. Of course, this video invites excessive comments, debates, and criticism. Some viewers thought that the movements performed are salat, but some viewers guessed that the movements performed are Yoga movements.

For this matter, detikHealth and Vidya asked about my opinion.

The articles from detikHealth can be read at:
- Kerap Disebut Mirip Gerakan Salat, Ini Manfaat Sehat Sun Salutation dalam Yoga: https://health.detik.com/kebugaran/d-6274836/kerap-disebut-mirip-gerakan-salat-ini-manfaat-sehat-sun-salutation-dalam-yoga

I explained to Vidya and detikHealth that there are indeed Yoga movements that are done sequentially and feel like salat. The Yoga movements that are similar to salat are Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara. The movements are carried out by:
- Standing up
- Raising hands
- Placing hands on the floor
- Placing feet on the back
- Supporting the body with hands and feet
- Doing the half-plank position
- Doing the Cobra position
- Repeating the movements from the beginning

The Yoga Movements – Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskara – above is indeed similar to salat, but still somewhat different. Of all the Sun Salutation movements which consist of standing, stretching muscles, folding the body, bending the legs, and sitting on the floor by sitting on the soles of the feet or crossing the legs, just sitting on the soles of the feet is very similar to the position in salat.

One thing to keep in mind is that the main difference between the Yoga Movement Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskara and salat is:

“Sun Salutation is 100 percent body and soul practice, whereas salat is 100 percent reverence to the Almighty.”

I emphasize that whatever movement the woman does in the video, whether it's a Yoga movement or salat, the viewers, readers, and observers of the video should not immediately accuse the woman. They should have confirmed beforehand by asking the woman in the video if what she was doing was Yoga or salat or regular exercise.

I also added some information as follows:

* The Yoga Movement Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskara Level 1 is an easy movement, so it can be done by beginners and ordinary people.

* The benefits of the Yoga Movement Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskara are:
- Opening for all Yoga practice and good opening for various activities of the day
- Lengthening all organs of the body that may be narrowed due to various activities, such as sitting too much, etc
- Gently strengthening muscles
- Promoting breathing and blood circulation
- Strengthening the heart and beats
- Losing weight
- Increasing concentration in the brain
- Brightening the mind
- Reducing stress

Hopefully, this article can provide the information needed, and hopefully, this information is useful.

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