08 November 2011

Come On! Come On! Come On! Indonesia Can!

Indonesia is very proud to be the host of the 26th Sea Games which will take place from June 11 to 22 November 2011 in Jakarta and Palembang. Of course, we are proud of this international sport event.

One small thing that became my question is whether the Sea Games event can bring up the sense of nationalism just like when the Indonesian team competed in the World Cup. Yes, you can, Indonesia! And I also hope that the Sea Games event can unite the Indonesian nation again through sports.

Small fact that I've found is that Indonesia has previously hosted the Sea Games for three times and has won numerous medals. The last time Indonesia won a gold medal was in 1997, and after that, we did not win anything else.

In 2011, it's time we reclaim glory in those golden periods for the sake of our beloved country! It is time for our own people to support our athletes. The athletes have a dream to win every game they do. The support for their dreams is also a support for our beloved country.

There are a lot of controversies and issues about the Sea Games this time, starting from its preparation, political debates and other matters around the Sea Games event. We should disregard this. Do not let this interfere the Sea Games event and reduce our support to our sport in our own country. We should be confident that we can achieve our dream to become the champion at the 26th Sea Games event and beyond.

One support for the 26th Sea Games event is a website called: http://ayoindonesiabisa.com. On this website, the Indonesian people can show its support for Indonesian athletes to win the game.

The musicians, Sherina and Ello, sang the theme for the current Sea Games event that can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9-JNEinFRo.

The official website to the 26th Sea Games event is at: http://www.seag2011.com/en/.

Let’s support the 26th Sea Games event! Let’s support our Red and White’s Team to win many medals! Let’s awaken our sense of nationalism through the Sea Games event!

If Indonesia could win in the past, why can’t we win today? Come on, Indonesia Can!

07 November 2011


Indonesia sangat bangga bisa menjadi tuan rumah untuk ajang Sea Games ke 26 yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 11 – 22 November 2011 di Jakarta dan Palembang. Sebagai bangsa Indonesia, tentunya kita bangga dengan ajang olahraga internasional yang satu ini.

Satu hal kecil yang menjadi pertanyaan saya adalah apakah ajang Sea Games ini bisa membangkitkan rasa nasionalisme seperti yang terjadi ketika tim Indonesia bertanding dalam babak penyisihan Piala Dunia. Mudah-mudahan bisa! Dan saya pun berharap, ajang Sea Games ini bisa mempersatukan bangsa Indonesia lagi melalui olahraga.

Fakta kecil yang saya temui adalah bahwa sebelumnya Indonesia telah menjadi tuan rumah dari Sea Games sebanyak tiga kali dan telah memenangkan berbagai medali yang jumlahnya banyak. Indonesia terakhir kali memenangkan medali emas pada tahun 1997 dan setelah itu, kita tidak memenangkan apa-apa lagi.

Di tahun 2011 ini, sudah saatnya kita rebut kembali kejayaan pada masa-masa emas tersebut demi negara kita tercinta ini! Sudah saatnya bangsa kita sendiri mendukung para atlet kita. Para atlet kita tentunya mempunyai mimpi untuk memenangkan setiap pertandingan yang mereka lakukan. Dukungan terhadap mimpi mereka juga merupakan dukungan bagi negara kita tercinta ini.

Saya tahu, banyak kontroversi dan masalah yang banyak diperbincangkan seputar Sea Games kali ini. Mulai dari persiapannya yang tidak matang, debat-debat politik dan hal-hal lain seputar ajang Sea Games ini. Saya pikir, sebaiknya kita kesampingkan hal ini. Jangan sampai hal ini mengganggu ajang Sea Games dan mengurangi dukungan kita terhadap majunya dunia olahraga kita di negara kita sendiri. Kita harus percaya diri bahwa kita bisa meraih mimpi kita untuk menjadi juara umum di Sea Games ke 26 ini dan seterusnya.   

Salah satu dukungan terhadap ajang Sea Games ke 26 ini adalah sebuah website yang bernama: http://ayoindonesiabisa.com. Di website ini, rakyat Indonesia bisa menunjukkan dukungannya kepada para atlet Indonesia untuk memenangkan pertandingan.

Bahkan musisi Ello dan Sherina menyanyikan lag tema untuk Sea Games kali ini yang bisa dilihat di: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9-JNEinFRo.

Sedangkan untuk website resmi daripada ajang Sea Games ke 26 ini ada di: http://www.seag2011.com/en/

Mari kita dukung Sea Games ke 26 ini! Mari kita dukung tim Merah-Putih kita agar bisa memenangkan banyak medali! Mari kita bangkitkan rasa nasionalisme kita melalui ajang Sea Games ini!

Kalau dulu bisa, kenapa sekarang tidak bisa ya? Ayo, Indonesia Bisa!!!

15 September 2011


Suatu hari, aku dipinjemin Samsung Omnia 7 sama temenku. Setelah ponsel biasa, Blackberry dan ponsel Android, ponsel ini kayaknya boleh juga buat diuji ya.

Desain Samsung Omnia 7 sangat baik dengan rangka logam yang tampak begitu eksklusif!

Aku menemukan tiga tombol di bawah layar: Back, Start dan Search. Tombol kamera ada di sisi kanan, sementara tombol volume di sisi kiri atas. Konektor Micro-USB di atas dengan penutup geser. Satu pertanyaan: lensa kamera di belakang tidak dilengkapi dengan penutup geser?

Kalau bagian belakangnya dibuka, ada tempat baterai dan slot kartu SIM. Slot untuk memori eksternal sangat tidak diperlukan karena ponsel ini memiliki memori internal 8GB. Hore!

Beruntunglah aku masih memiliki akun Hotmail yang digunakan untuk membuka fungsi dari ponsel ini, seperti akun Google untuk ponsel Android. Ponsel ini terhubung dengan akun SkyDrive dan Zune, yang merupakan bagian dari akun Hotmail dan Windows Live.

Samsung Omnia 7 memiliki layar 4-inch AMOLED dengan resolusi 800 480 piksel. Keren abis! Tampilan warnanya lebih baik. Ukurannya cukup ramping dan ringan untuk masuk ke dalam saku apapun dengan ukuran 112,4 x 64,2 x 10.99mm, dan berat 138g.

Ponsel ini memiliki 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 8250 chipset, konektivitas HSDPA, GPS, Bluetooth 2.1, Wi-Fi b / g / n, dan sensor-sensor seperti accelerometer dan sensor kedekatan. Sayangnya, Bluetooth tidak bisa terhubung ke Mac ku untuk transfer file, tapi aku telah mendownload aplikasi Windows Phone 7 untuk Mac. Jadi setidaknya, aku masih bisa men sync Mac ku dengan telepon melalui kabel data.

Ponsel ini memiliki radio FM, dan musik harus di sinkron kan dengan pemutar music Zune.

Ponsel ini memiliki kamera 5-megapiksel dengan autofokus. Hal ini didukung oleh lampu kilat LED dan video capture 720p. Aku menemukan berbagai pengaturan, seperti fokus makro, efek gambar, dan anti-getar. Dalam pengalamanku sendiri, kameranya memang keren! Suatu hari, aku mencoba menggunakan kamera sambil duduk di kursi. Aku sengaja mengarahkan kamera ke kakiku. Anehnya, aku bisa melihat pembuluh darahku dari kamera. Menyenangkan sekali untuk mengetahui bahwa kameranya sangat tajam, tetapi agak menakutkan untuk melihat apa yang ada di bawah kulitku. Hahaha…

Baterainya bisa bertahan sampai setengah hari, karena aku begitu sibuk menggunakan ponsel ini untuk koneksi data.

Layar benar-benar besar. Aplikasi bisa dibuka dengan cepat dan tidak begitu banyak pengaturan. Ya, ini adalah ponsel sederhana dengan banyak fitur. Ukuran keyboard di layarnya sangat baik untuk seseorang yang memiliki jempol yang besar seperti aku. Hahaha! Dan keyboardnya enak dipakai untuk mengetik email-email dan dokumen baru dengan Word, Excel dan PowerPoint.

Integrasi dengan Facebook di ponsel ini mengagumkan! Email, kontak dan kalender dapat disinkronisasikan dengan akunku saat ini: Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, Outlook, dan lain-lain. Dengan Marketplace, aku dapat mendownload aplikasi yang kuinginkan. Mulai dari program Yoga, kata-kata dari Dalai Lama, dan lain-lain.  Untuk Twitter, aku menggunakan Twitter untuk Windows Phone, MoTwitter, Seesmic dan TweetCaster. Untuk aplikasi berbasis lokasi, aku menggunakan Gowalla dan Foursquare. Apa yang saya tidak menggunakan adalah aplikasi Now yang berisi cuaca, berita dan saham.

Samsung Omnia adalah ponsel Windows 7 yang hebat secara keseluruhan dengan fitur yang hebat. Meskipun ponsel ini sudah tidak diproduksi lagi, aku hanya berharap bahwa ponsel ini bisa diupgrade ke OS Mango, OS masa depannya Windows Phone.

Samsung Spica vs. Samsung Omnia 7

Urat di paha aja keliatan!

Pembuluh darah di pergelangan kaki juga keliatan!

Kameranya memang sensitif!

Yuk mari kita mendownload!

22 August 2011


One day, I borrowed a Samsung Omnia 7 from my friend. It is my first Windows Phone. After the usual mobile phone, Blackberry and Android Phone, this Windows Phone is a nice thing to be tested.

The Samsung Omnia 7 came with the battery and the battery charger.

The design of Samsung Omnia 7 is very good. It is a premium metal body that looks so exclusive!

I found three buttons beneath the screen, offering back, Start and search. The dedicated camera button is on the right side, while the volume keys are on the top left side. The Micro-USB connector is on the top by a sliding cover. One question: why does a sliding cover not cover the camera lens at the back?

As I opened the back-plate, I saw the battery bay and SIM card slot. Where is the slot for external memory? Oh, this phone has the 8GB of internal memory. And that is enough for me! Yeay!

Gladly, I still have that Hotmail account that is used to open the function of this phone, just like Google account to Android Phone. This phone is connected with SkyDrive and Zune accounts, which come as part of the Hotmail and Windows Live account.

The best thing about this Samsung Omnia 7 is a 4-inch AMOLED display with 800 x 480 pixel resolution. It is the most striking display. It offers better color rendition, whiter whites and blacker black. The dimensions are slim enough to slip into any pocket at 112.4 x 64.2 x 10.99mm, and weighing 138g.

This phone has 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 8250 chipset, HSDPA connectivity, GPS, Bluetooth 2.1, Wi-Fi b/g/n, and sensors such as the accelerometer and proximity sensor. Sadly, its Bluetooth was unable to connect to my Mac for file transfer, but I downloaded that Windows Phone 7 for Mac. So at least, I can still sync my Mac with this phone via data cable. 

It also offers an FM radio, and the music should be sync with the Zune player built in.

Around the back of the Omnia 7 is a 5-megapixel autofocus camera. It is supported by an LED flash and offers 720p video capture. I find a range of settings, like macro focus, image effects, a wide dynamic range and anti-shaking options. In my own experience, the camera is awesome! One day, I tried to use the camera while sitting down at a chair. I accidentally pointed the camera to my leg. Surprisingly, I could see my blood veins from the camera. A nice thing to know that the camera is sharp, but it is a bit scary to see what is underneath my skin. LOL!

In terms of battery life, it lasts for half day, because I am so busy to use data. LOL! Yes, I only use the phone for data connection.  

The screen is absolutely great. It ran slick and fast on the device. Most apps open quickly. It has not so many settings. Yes, it is a simple phone with a lot of features. The on-screen keyboard is an excellent size for someone who has a big thumb like me. LOL! And the keyboard in landscape is good for typing those emails and new documents. Yes! Its Office is awesome. You can make new document using Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Its Facebook integration at the People Hub is awesome! The email, contact and calendar can be synced with my current accounts: Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, Outlook, etc. It is all about syncing my emails and social media. Using its Marketplace, I can download any apps that I want to. Starting from The Yoga for Beginner, Dalai Lama Quotes, the Art of War, etc. For Twitter, I use Twitter for Windows Phone, MoTwitter, Seesmic and Tweetcaster. For location-based app, I use Gowalla. What I do not use is the Now app that contains weather, news and stocks. No, I never worry about them anyway. LOL!

The Samsung Omnia is a great Windows Phones 7 handset overall with a great feature. Although this phone is a discontinued product, I just hope that this phone can be upgraded to Mango OS, the future OS for Windows Phone.

And last but not least, I hope my friend forget that I borrow the phone. LOL! 

 Samsung Spica vs. Samsung Omnia 7

Samsung Omnia 7 

That blood veins! OMG!  

What's that blue lines? OMG! 

Another blue veins in my ankle!  

Downloading from Marketplace in progress! 

19 July 2011

Mobile Ad / Marketing in Indonesia

How do you sell your company’s services? How do you sell your brands? Can all those things be done in our mobile technology? And sadly, the answer is YES! LOL!
We invited Andi S. Budiman (founder of IDS International Design School and partner of Ideosource), Tri Meyliana Sadewi (from BuzzCity), Yoshiki Enohara (COO of MicroAd Indonesia) and Oon Arfiandwi (from 7langit) to explain the beauty of the mobile advertising and marketing landscape in Indonesia.
Dewi introduced BuzzCity as a mobile media company offering brand owners and agencies access to a global advertising network on the mobile internet. BuzzCity has developed in-depth knowledge of the mobile consumer and provides marketers with clear opportunities to reach this audience via its advertising and publisher programs.
She revealed that Indonesia is always in the Top 3 (together with India and Vietnam) at advertising impressions, while the highest penetration of mobile phone is teenagers (aged 15 to 19), and instant messaging or chatting are the most favorite applications among the teens. Dewi wrapped up his her presentation by saying that by using mobile advertising at BuzzCity, the clients can survey their product or data mining, direct call to their customer service, download their application, etc.
Andi used the event to introduce his new baby, an incubator called Ideosource. The establishment of this incubator is his way to adapt with the current situation.
Today, the growth of mobile content occurred both at the low end handset and high end handset. The mobile consumers in Indonesia consume a lot at music, social network, community and content. Using his school, International Design School (IDS), Andi is trying to create the new generations that are familiar with the digital and mobile world. IDS is the school of design for the students to get knowledge, to have the networking and implement (make action) what they study. After that, Ideosource will act as the consulting company, venture capital & incubation too for the students and the startup companies to give the funding, the business roadmap, the network and mentorship.
Yoshiki said that MicroAd, the largest ad networks in Japan with 75% audience reach, has gathered together a tremendous number of websites, putting together a network that collectively reaches more than 10 billion monthly impressions, and attracts 55 million unique monthly users. The company offers clients with several ad delivery options, including behavioral targeting and retargeting. Together with CyberAgent, the company provides a tremendously strong sales channel.
MicroAd provides profiling targeting which is one-to-one ad server analyzing visitor’s preferences and behavioral feature. It is their strong tools of custom-made behavior targeting. The company also developed matching system combines advertising linked to website content, and advertising linked to user behavior history (tendencies and attributes), delivering information optimized for the individual user. Yoshiki ended his presentation by saying that MicroAd Mobile ad network system on the media provides high-quality technique in the glowing ads market which covers Japanese feature phones and also Google Android and iPhone.
Oon said 7Langit was established to be a publication media as well as monetization. 7Langit started their first app called GempaLoka in 2009. And until 2011, 7Langit has provided Apps that has been installed by more than 2millions unique BlackBerry users of Indonesian providers.
Oon suggested that for mobile Ad implementation in BlackBerry, simply use BlackBerry Ad Service. One of the benefits is the BlackBerry feature integration. Oon concluded that user targeting is difficult to do, due RIM centralized infrastructure.

24 June 2011

KASKUS expands to Improve Services

Year 2011 will be a new chapter in the history KASKUS for 11 years. Where, as The Largest Indonesian Community, KASKUS will expand both in terms of infrastructure, human resources and business networking sites in an effort to become number 1 in Indonesia and become a global player in the internet industry world. KASKUS will focus to go with perfecting Social Community Forum & Commerce Forum, which became its strength today, and also integrate it as a network-based citizen journalism and online trading.
Plan for KASKUS arranged in Outlook 2011 is what was announced in a press conference held in Ballroom A Grand Indonesia Kempinski today (Wednesday, March 9, 2011).
On the same occasion, KASKUS also announced a new partner in its business expansion efforts that have been running since January 2011 with the company's GDP (Global Digital Prima). "The decision not to expand the management to others is to enlarge the network KASKUS and to be able to move more aggressively than the year - previous years so that it can bring KASKUS to a higher level again." Reveal Lawadinata Ken Dean - CEO KASKUS Networks. The presence of these new partners does not change the order of policy and management structure, in addition to enlarge the team. "The vision, priority to the comfort and add users KASKUS, as well as long-term strategy in view the opportunity to be a primary consideration KASKUS acceptable to the GDP. This is what distinguishes the GDP of the other partner," said Ken.
With this expansion, KASKUS known through the Community Forum and Commerce Forum was, not only will improve both their products are, but also optimize its online payment system, known as Kaspay, advertising facilities, KasAds, as well as access on mobile KASKUS more broadly and aggressively.

Social Commerce - Community, Marketplace, and Trust
Amid the rise of online businesses that tend to focus to increase the number of users without concentrating on the benefits to the user, whether Commerce Forum or Community Forum admiration of users by providing benefits to them. Not limited to facilitate them to interact, but also as a source of livelihood, as evidenced by more than 2.6 million members KASKUS to date, with total access of up to 53 million and the number of pages accessed per month, nearly 900 million.

KASKUS will improve the quality of content contained on the forums KASKUS by presenting expert contributors, as well as increase the number of forums in accordance with the trends and user needs. Similarly, Commerce Forum service will be added and customized, not only to enhance user convenience in transaction, but also to answer the needs of more sellers and buyers with different characteristics.
Communities that have been solid with the confidence that has been formed will be able to support e-commerce activity in Commerce Forum that still hindered the issue of trust. Starting this year, Commerce Forum will be a place of sale and purchase activity is more comfortable and trusted with Social Commerce format that allows the user to minimize the risk of online transactions through reviews, recommendations and testimonials, plus new features like bidding system, bargain, and preferred payment method in accordance with the characteristics of the Indonesian market. To support the optimization of these two features, KASKUS also will integrate Kaspay as one means of payment used in Commerce Forum, and KasAds that can reach all potential advertisers, especially SMEs who do not have a big budget. KasAds is also targeting mid-tail market, where KASKUS will work with local sites to help them more developed. KASKUS open opportunities for local sites to cooperate with KASKUS.

Improve Infrastructure. Add Server Up 250.
To increase the network strength KASKUS in providing convenience to users and attract more users, the infrastructure this year KASKUS accretion target of doubling the server to 250 servers. It is also balanced by the addition of labor to approximately 80 personnel to reinforce the existing division in KASKUS i.e., programmers, sales, marketing, customer relations and creative team. KASKUS even have started to recruit professionals from top IT companies in Indonesia.

Overview of the GDP (Global Digital Prima)
PT Global Digital Prima (GDP) is a local company engaged in the digital industry with main focus to develop the digital industry as well as local content Indonesia. GDP also has established cooperation with several leading local sites such as lintasberita.com, infokost.net, krazymarket.com, bolalob.com, dailysocial.net and also in the group marketing and advertising company Red Cipta Media (MCM) and the recently launched enterprise incubation, The first website in Indonesia, Red and White Inc. (MPI).


KASKUS is a web-based forum that the members get together and do the discussion and sharing around their hobby.
KASKUS founded by Andrew Founder KASKUS Dervish as well as CTO (Chief Technical Officer) from KASKUS, in November 1999, in Seattle.
KASKUS entered Indonesia in 2008, and officially became an entity under the auspices of PT. Darta Media Indonesia.
Currently Andrew Dervish run with 2 people KASKUS colleagues of Ken Dean Lawadinata (Chief Executive Officer) and Danny Oei Wirianto (Chief Marketing Officer).
Currently KASKUS has 2,676,826 members (updated as of March 8, 2011, at 22:15 pm) and called for KASKUS member is Kaskuser. Currently KASKUS has approximately 400 communities in it.
KASKUS occupies the 6th position for Top Website in Indonesia (based on alexa.com as per March 8, 2011)
KASKUS Achievement: "The Greatest Brand of the Decade" (2000-2010), awarded by Mark Plus Inc, "The Best Innovation in Marketing" (2009), awarded by Marketing Magazine, "The Best Market Driving Company" (2009), awarded by Marketing Magazine, "Number 1 E-Commerce Indonesia" (2011), awarded by Forbes Magazine.
KASKUS STATISTICS (As of February 2011): Visits: 53,000,000, Pageviews / month: 900 million, Time on Site: 32.10.

09 June 2011

Payment and Commerce - Mobile Perspective

Are you doing mobile banking? Have you bought something from online shops? If your answer is yes, then this subject is yours. We know that there’s transition from traditional payment to mobile payment, but only a few people who know about how to do e-commerce / social commerce, how secure the e-payment system and how big the growth of online payment in Indonesia. For the Blackberry developers, there must be some curiosity too on how to monetize in BlackBerry.

To speak those both fragile & big things in mobile world, Indonesia Mobile Monday had a chance to invite four masters on payment and e-commerce ecosystem to share their knowledge and data with us. They are Daniel Tumiwa (Indonesia Country Manager of Multiply Inc), Leontinus Alpha Edison (COO of TokoPedia), DokuPay, and Sarim Aziz from Research in Motion.


Indonesians do its online shopping at Kaskus, Detik Forum, Wordpress, Facebook, Blog and Classified Ads. Problems at Classified Ads are Fraud that there are no guarantee they will receive the items after buyer send the money to seller. The other ones are the difficulties to maintain, a lot of manual works, and lack of convenience at all.

TokoPedia is a simple, better & safer online shopping experience. With its 87,000 customer, 9,200 sellers and 3 billion cash turn over, TokoPedia is sure that it can offer better & safer online shopping experience with its services. Right now, TokoPedia is only a simple mobile website, especially for sellers’ perspective.


Multiply is shopping, selling & sharing. With its 2.3 Million Users, Multiply was confident to establish its Indonesian branch on December 2010.

For Multiply, Social Commerce means an end-to-end Seller and Buyer interaction with social interaction that gives credible source of information and recommendation on sellers, buyers and products.

In Indonesia, Multiply builds its own community with user generated content to build sense of ownership (design contests, product/service feedback, etc). The local business also helps to educate the market on how to succeed in e-commerce.

For Multiply, mobile payment will offer convenience and end to end e-commerce on the small screen and add more impulsive interaction and transaction opportunities as it is real time and always done altogether by the consumers, buyers and shop owners. Today Multiply has 36,000 shops. For Multiply, mobile offers impulsive interaction and transaction. It will also open the doors wide for e-commerce in Indonesia, although there is still lack of payment options.


It was just a short presentation from DokuPay :-))
But what we can learn from DokuPay is that DokuPay is a local integrated internet payment service. DokuPay works together with some banks and provide the online payment system and helps to make sure it's the secured one.


The latest news from Blackberry World is that people may expect the Blackberry Bold 9900/9300, the thinnest BB yet and the first smartphone to run OS 7, late this summer! On Playbook, its Video Chat is the best tool to make, take and share video calls with friends and family over an internet connected Wi-Fi® network. And it’s already available via OTA software update now! The last one is about Blackberry Balance that can separate users' work and personal data on BlackBerry smartphone, prevent users from cut/copy/pasting work data into a personal application or email and prevent users from forwarding corporate email, calendar and PIM data through BlackBerry® Internet Service, etc.

On the e-commerce side for Blackberry, the ones that get the most benefit are the vendors that can submit their apps for free. The vendors may deploy the apps to BlackBerry App World to reach to over 35+ million active users and may easily leverage the BlackBerry Advertising Service with only a few lines of code. Other benefits from Blackberry for the vendors are that the vendors can manage digital goods via its portal and get 70% revenue share.

For the full slides and presentations from the speakers, please click this link: http://blog.mobilemonday.co.id/2011/05/slides-for-may-30-event/  

10 May 2011

Social Media in Indonesia – What’s Trending?

Social Media is a hot issue in Indonesia. Most people, companies and brands have agreed that they have to use the Social Media to be existed and engaged with their friends, family, employees, customers and clients. But the question is: How do we use Social Media in the right way? What’s hype in the Social Media? How smart are we to use the Social Media and get benefit from it?

We are lucky to have four experts in Social Media joining our Indonesia Mobile Monday to share with us their knowledge on the world of Social Media. 

The first speaker is Andy Sjarif, the CEO of SITTI, who talked about how he mapped the Indonesian Social Media through SITTI. SITTI captures the words from the internet and maps them to get the conclusion. From here, SITTI helps the internet users to use the words that are hype, most used and trending to be monetized. SITTI can also help the people to create force for a mission through the words in internet.
For example, from Luna Maya and Ariel Peterpan case, SITTI can show how Americans and Indonesians reacted on the case. Americans asked about the news, while Indonesians asked more about where to download the video. Other samples are the topics on Tifatul Sembiring, Melinda Dee, etc. Pretty interesting presentation!
Andy ended his presentation with: “Every word you wrote, every mood you have, any friends (or enemy) you have are captured in Social Media. Understanding this will – someday – shift the direction of this nation.”

The second speaker is Danny Wirianto, the CMO of Kaskus.  Danny said that Social Media is about shifting on lifestyles, behavior and how we use things. Social Media is also about the change from institutional control to social control. This is shown from a research that 7 from 10 journalists get their story ideas from the internet & rely on the news from the internet.
Social Media can also be described as Social, Share & Speed. Danny added that companies should be engaged and creates an experience, instead of selling products & services.

The third speaker is Johan Kremer, Head of Alliances for Research In Motion Southeast Asia. Johan showed the recent data that there is growth for smartphones in Asia that would attract more developers. One of the local Blackberry applications, Love Indonesia, was selected last year as the Asian regional Super App winner. Love Indonesia is an application location-based lifestyle-portal that guides us in finding anything we need with its different type of search feature.
Other great thing about the new Blackberry is the integration with Facebook, Bloomberg, etc.
Johan revealed that the biggest Blackberry applications downloaded in Indonesia is IM & Social Networking (33%), Themes (22%) and Shopping (11%), while the driving force of Blackberry is Blackberry Messenger and local applications.
The best points about Blackberry Messenger is that users are more connected with their family and friends as they send more messages everyday and BBM was rated with the highest level of satisfaction score by users across all markets and platforms.
He added some great news that there will be Blackberry Developer Day in Bandung on 24th of May and the Blackberry's Playbook will be launched officially next on June!

The last but not least, the fourth speaker is Enda Nasution from SalingSilang who discussed about the Social Media Landscape in Indonesia. Social Media is people having conversations online. People use Social Media to report news. And the “online reporters” could be news organizations, journalists and decision makers, and also “Alays”. From here, SalingSilang engine collects all the conversation and news sent to the Social Media like Twitter, blogs and Facebook.
It is found from SalingSilang that the peak hour and the peak day of Twitter in Indonesia are at night and on Thursday. And the busiest city for Twitter in Indonesia is Jakarta. On the tools, people mostly post their tweets from Ubersocial, Twitter for Blackberry and Snaptu.
SalingSilang found that there are 5 million people in Indonesia do the blogging on May 2011. Enda concluded the event by saying that the Social Media industry is growing & needed its foundation.

For the full slides and presentations from the speakers, please click this link: http://blog.mobilemonday.co.id/2011/05/slides-from-may-2-event/

22 April 2011

Astrid Amalia di Fimela Luncheon: Perempuan, Ambisi, dan Persamaan Hak

Senang sekali bisa menghadiri Fimela Luncheon pada bulan April 2011. 


FIMELA Luncheon kali ini membahas hal yang sangat berkaitan dengan Hari Kartini. Yaitu soal perempuan, ambisi, dan persamaan hak. Penasaran? Baca terus.
Obrolan seru ini terjadi sambil menikmati makan siang suguhan Pesto Restauran, yang terletak di kawasan Thamrin. Hidangan khas Italia yang lezat, menemani luncheon saat itu.

Saat topik dilemparkan, keempat peserta langsung bergantian menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Di awali dengan Astrid Amalia, yang menganggap kalau perlakuan yang berbeda karena perbedaan gender memang masih sering terjadi, terutama di dunia kerja. Walaupun dia nggak mengalami secara langsung, tapi menurut Astrid, punya ambisi dalam bekerja sah saja. Perlakuan yang beda jangan dijadikan masalah besar atau hambatan. Posisi dan prestasi dalam bekerja itu salah satu pembuktian atau ajang menunjukkan jati diri. Selama bisa kompromi dengan pasangan dan nggak mengganggu keseimbangan keluarga, kenapa tidak?

Yulia Astuti mengungkapkan, fokus dan punya ambisi pada tujuan yang ingin kita capai atau dikejar adalah sesuatu yang positif. Asal nggak bertentangan dengan peran sebagai perempuan, alias harus tetap peduli dengan keluarga atau pasangan. Dan jangan sampai mengabaikan keluarga demi pekerjaan.

Perempuan boleh punya cita-cita setinggi mungkin, tapi jangan lupa dengan tanggungjawabnya sebagai ibu dan istri, begitu menurut Indah Julianti. Dan harus bisa menempatkan diri. Alias tetap tahu posisi sebagai perempuan.

Sambil menyantap main course masing-masing, para peserta mengatakan kalau sisi feminin perempuan justru bisa dijadikan poin lebih. Astrid memberikan contoh, banyak perempuan sukses nggak cuma mengandalkan kepintaran tapi juga penampilan yang menarik. Jadi perempuan harus bisa memanfaatkan apa yang dia punya untuk meraih sukses. Penampilan yang menarik jika dikombinasikan dengan kemampuan akan bisa meraih apapun yang dicita-citakan.

Diah Nurhaidah juga setuju kalau sisi feminin dan ambisi bisa dikombinasikan dan saling mendukung. Tapi yang harus diingat adalah, perempuan menurut kultur Timur memang punya posisi tertentu. Dan karena kita hidup di negara yang sangat menjunjung norma Ketimuran, sehingga nggak boleh lupa dengan kodrat yang ada, walaupun sudah meminta untuk punya hak dan kesempatan yang sama.

Astrid mengiyakan dan menambahkan, selama nggak melanggar norma dan hukum yang berlaku, serta nggak mengganggu orang lain, perempuan bisa mengerjakan apa saja dan jadi apa saja. Perbedaan gender itu hanya dalam pikiran orang. Hanya dalam mind set.

Menurut Indah, budaya timur memang membuat perempuan berada dalam posisi tertentu, karena didikan yang ada. Tapi kalau sekarang, cara mendidik pun udah beda, anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan dididik dengan perlakuan yang sama.

Yulia mengatakan, awalnya diminta adalah persamaan kesempatan. Tapi semakin kesini terjadi pergeseran. Jaman dulu memang perempuan posisinya di rumah, mengurus anak dan rumah. Secara fisik perempuan dan laki-laki saja beda. Jadi kalau mau disamakan, mau punya kesempatan yang sama, perempuan juga musti ingat kalau ada keterbatasan yang natural, keterbatasan secara fisik. Begitu juga buat laki-laki, ada hal yang nggak dipunyai. Dan perempuan harusi tetap ingat posisinya.

Sambil menikmati tiramisu atau pannacota, yang menjadi pilihan penutup siang itu, semua setuju kalau perempuan boleh saja menuntut kesempatan, boleh saja meminta persamaan hak, tapi harus menerima resiko dan konsekuensi yang ada dari kesempatan yang diberikan. Dan yang pasti nggak menyalahgunakan dan mengatasnamakan persamaan hak untuk hal-hal yang negatif.

Menarik, kan? Pastinya!

09 March 2011

State of the Internet Southeast Asia 2010 (From comScore)

  • Indonesia’s internet users is 8.6 million and online hours / visitors is 14.8 hour.
  • Indonesia has the highest percentage growth in Southeast Asia (+32%) from 6.5 to 8.6 million online populations.
  • The female share of internet population in Indonesia is 36%.
  • At the Indonesia internet population, Facebook reach 87.4%, while Twitter reach 21% (4th globally).
  • With 8.6 million Indonesia internet users and the number of Indonesia’s Facebook users are 35 million, it means that, in average, each Indonesian has 4 Facebook accounts.
  • The most visited airlines sites in Indonesia are Lion Air, Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia.
  • Top banking destinations in Indonesia are Bank Mandiri, BNI, Citibank.
  • The world’s most video viewers are Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore.
  • The growth of blogs in Indonesia is the highest in Southeast Asia (+8%) from 63% (2009) to 68% (2010).
  • The world’s heavy searchers are the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore.

The Most Popular in Southeast Asia:

  • The most popular in Malaysia: Social Network, Search, Photos, Multimedia, Blogs.
  • The most popular in Indonesia: Social Network (90%), Search Navigation (85%), Photos, Blogs, News.
  • The most popular in the Philippines: Social Network, Photos, Search, Multimedia, Email.
  • The most popular in Hong Kong: Search, Social Network, Multimedia, News, Email.
  • The most popular in Singapore: Search, Social Networking, Multimedia, Photos, Email.

25 January 2011

Mobile Monday Indonesia: Indonesia Mobile Industry Review 2011

Stephen Hobbs (CTO of Indosat)

Potential local applications from Indonesia will be brought to the world.

Hermanuddin (GM Business Planning & Development of IM2)

The year of 2011 is the year of Tablet PC.

Most services used in smartphones: Email, Social Networking, Messaging, Video & Voice.

Smartphones growth is projected at 26% of total PCs by 2012 & 38% of total handset market by 2014.

Voice vs. data charging is not comparable and need to be treated separately.

90% of customers' expectation is price, speed & connection quality.

Izak Jenie (Director of PT Metrotech Jaya Komunika)

Indonesian people like to share anything, from gossip, news, etc. They want to be existed anywhere. They like to share their privacies.

Consumers are still looking for low priced mobile phone (IDR 500k), more available & attractive menu & internet ready.

Top handphone's features: Dual GSM-CDMA, Camera 2 MP, MP3 Player, External Memory minimum 1 GB, bluetooth & GPRS.

Nuniek (Initiator of StartUpLokal)

StartUpLokal is a group of start up / new small companies in Indonesia. Most of them are IT & technology companies.

For info on @StartUpLokal: startuplokal.org, facebook.com/StartupLokal & http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/StartUpLokal/

Other issues

Indonesia is the 3rd largest wireless market in Asia, behind China & India in term of number subscibers.

Key Points 2010: Voice & messaging are flattening, while data is on the rise. 53% of the market is on 3G, the rest are on 2.5G.

Indonesia is the 2nd largest Facebook after USA & Twitter world's highest penetration rate at 20.8%.

(Astrid Amalia)