01 June 2023

Take Care Of Yourself From Harassment And Violence

Take care of yourself from harassment and violence that happens around you.

The public thinks that the meaning of harassment and violence is only about physical touching, groping, beating, and others. They must know that showing inappropriate pictures and videos, talking about humor that hurt feelings, and yelling can also be taken as harassment and violence.

If harassment and violence occur in:
- Organization and office: Usually the board and management only separate the perpetrators and victims without taking proper action
- Family: Usually the family defends the perpetrator, yells at the victim, threatens the victim, and uses the word "family" so that the victim is afraid, remains silent, and doesn't speak up
- Online World: Victims can secure conversations that contain harassment and violence that happened to them as proof, but the perpetrators use their popularity and circle to threaten, humiliate and blame the victim

The family of the perpetrator will usually defend the perpetrator by giving various reasons apart from the harassment and violence that has been perpetrated by the perpetrator, yelling at the victim, and using harsh words so that the victim feels afraid.

The perpetrator is usually quite adept at covering up his evil behavior by committing his evil deeds only to 1 to a few victims so that other people see the perpetrator as a good person who is unlikely to commit harassment and violence.

If you are the victim, after reporting the incident:
- You have to dare to separate yourself and stay away from the perpetrators and their circles
- You have to honor yourself by not living with those who have hurt you

Living independently is better than living in an environment that destroys mentality and steps on self-esteem.

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