28 September 2015

Fashion Report: Indonesian Traditional Fabric in Modern Style

Today, we can wear Indonesian traditional fabric at any events. We can wear it at both casual and formal event, in both traditional and glamorous way. We can also play around with the way we wear it. 

Together with Femina Magazine, Estee Lauder and Gran Mahakam Hotel, Didiet Maulana - the Creative Director of Ikat Indonesia - shows the public that the traditional fabric can be used in modern style. 

Ikat Indonesia wants to bring the nation’s cultural heritage through modern fashion with its simple and minimalist style.

Didiet says that we need to choose the fabric that fits with our body and the color of our skin. Before we wear the fabric in sarong or twist style, we need to pay attention with its natural pattern and design so it will look nice and proportional in our body.

We may mix and match the fabric with almost anything, especially some plain tops. The other main things that can be used for mixing and matching the fabric, especially to add more glamorous effect, are accessories, make up and hair do.

Didiet also shows how to wear the fabric by making it as skirts or pants, and by adding different accessories for different occasions.

So, don't say it is hard to wear traditional fabric. Be creative! Show the world about the beauty of our heritage in modern way.

26 September 2015

6 Gerakan Yoga Sederhana di Kantor (6 Easy Yoga at the Office) - Mommies Daily

Senang sekali rasanya menjadi narasumber untuk Mommies Daily tentang 6 Gerakan Yoga Sederhana di Kantor. 

Tautan asli dari artikelnya adalah: http://mommiesdaily.com/2015/05/13/6-gerakan-sederhana-yoga-di-kantor/ 

Agar mudah dibaca, maka saya mencantumkan isi artikelnya di bawah ini.

Selamat menikmati!


My 6 Simple Yoga Poses at that is made with Mommies Daily. The article is in Indonesian Language.

The original link to the article is mentioned at the beginning of this post.

You can enjoy the article here as I attached below.



Kesibukan di kantor seringkali berujung pada terganggunya kesehatan tubuh. Gangguan sederhana yang kerap menyinggahi ibu bekerja di antaranya adalah pegal-pegal di sekitar leher, tangan, pundak dan menjalar ke punggung.  Anda bisa mengatasinya dengan melakukan gerakan yoga di kantor.
Apakah Anda salah satu yang pernah merasakan beberapa gangguan di atas?

Karena saya sering mengalami keluhan semacam ini. Lalu, bagaimana cara mengurangi keluhan ini? Saya sempat bertanya kepada Astrid Amalia – seorang instruktur Yoga, ternyata menurutnya untuk mengurangi rasa pegal tesebut saya bisa  melakukan 6 gerakan Yoga Stretching. “Dan, gerakan-gerakan yoga ini bisa dilakukan di mana saja, bahkan di kantor. Asalkan terdapat  bangku dan sandaran yang memadai,” jelas Astrid.

Kiat melakukan Yoga Stretching dari Astrid:

  1. Perhatikan kursi atau sandarannya, jangan yang bisa bergerak tanpa kita komando. Harus stabil, tidak beroda. Kalau bisa agak berat sedikit.
  2. Kalau duduk posisikan bokong ada di ujung bangku, karena perlu keleluasaan bergerak ke segala arah.
  3. Usahakan mengenakan baju yang nyaman untuk bergerak ke segala arah.
  4. Tidak memakai sepatu atau alas kaki lainnya. Kaki itu banyak syarafnya. Kondisi kaki yang sehat adalah yang dipakai tanpa menggunakan alas kaki.

Berikut beberapa gerakan Yoga Stretching yang dapat Anda praktikkan:

1. Leher

Tarik dagu ke arah kiri, tangan rileks letakkan di atas paha. Hitung mundur dari 5 secara perlahan. Lalu tarik napas kembali dan hembuskan secara perlahan ke tengah sembari menarik dagu ke arah kanan dengan cara yang sama.

Pelan-pelan setelah leher terasa rileks, tarik napas kembali dan buang napas (dalam hitungan mundur dari 5). Lalu tarik napas kembali dan kondisikan dagu ke arah dada dan hembuskan dengan hitungan yang sama. Tarik napas pelan-pelan kembali ke tengah.

Sambil tarik napas, tangan kanan mengambil kuping sebelah kiri, buang napas dan rasakan ada tarikan di leher, sehingga leher yang pegal bisa terasa lebih nyaman. Tarik napas dan buang kembali, tangan kiri ambil kuping kanan, tarik perlahan dan buang napas.

2. Bahu

Tarik napas dan angkat tangannya lihat ke atas, buang napas turunkan tangan dengan perlahan (boleh lihat ke bawah atau ke depan). Tarik napas dan angkat tangannya lagi, buang napas turun tangannya. Lakukan sebanyak tiga kali untuk gerakan ini.

Terakhir tarik napas sambil angkat tangan yang panjang, buang napas pelan-pelan lihat ke depan, turunkan tangannya – kalau sudah di situ tarik napas, agar bahunya lebih terangkat lagi, rekatkan jari tangan, buka telapak tangannya ke atas, jempol jadi satu dan dorong pergelangan tangan ke atas, lihat ke depan, lalu tarik lagi ke atas, tarik dari ketiak. Tarik napas, buang napas turunkan tangannya pelan-pelan ke bawah.

3. Perut

Setelah bahu terasa terbuka sekarang kita masuk ke bagian perut dan tulang punggung agar lebih rileks, karena biasanya bagi yang bekerja di belakang meja, bagian ini akan terasa kaku.

Caranya pegang lutut, tarik napas dan buka dada ke depan lihat ke atas, pada saat buang napas, punggung melengkung ke belakang dan lihat ke bagian perut. Tarik napas dan buka sambil lihat ke atas, buang napas, kembali punggung melengkung ke belakang dan buang napas. Tarik napas dan angkat, buang napas. Lakukan gerakan ini sebanyak tiga kali.

4. Pinggang

Kaki buka, lebih lebar dari pinggul. Pada saat kita membuka pinggul, lakukan hal yang sama dengan bahu (direggangkan). Untuk pertama kita buka pinggul dulu tarik napas dan pada saat membuang napas, tundukkan punggung Mommies, tangan rileks. Kepala jatuhkan saja ke bawah, rileks dulu di situ – buang napas sambil menghitung mundur dari lima.

Tarik napas angkat kepalanya dulu, agar tulang punggung tidak berat, buang napas pelan-pelan. Kalau sudah, mulai dari bahu, kita juga akan membuka pinggul kita. Tarik napas, roll ke belakang, tangan ada di belakang diikat, tarik tangan ke belakang, tarik nafas di bagian ini. Dada mulai condong ke depan, buang napas pelan-pelang, turun ke bawah. Kalau badan Anda fleksibel silahkan turun ke bawah. Turun, angkat tangan ke atas, tarik dan kepala rileks ke belakang, hembuskan napas dalam hitungan mundur dari lima. Tarik napas saat Anda masih di posisi ini, pada saat buang napas, angkat kepalanya, turunkan tangannya dan angkat badan Mommies. Selalu ketika ketika naik, posisi kepala di angkat dulu, sehingga tulang punggung tidak berat.

5. Kaki

Masih posisi duduk di ujung bangku dengan kaki rapat sejajar dengan punggung. Setelah itu tendang ke arah depan dan biarkan agak menggantung, tahan di posisi itu, ambil napas dalam lima hitunagn. Buang napas turun ke bawah, tarik napas dan tendang lagi, pelan-pelan turun. Lakukan bergantian pada masing-masing kaki.

6. Punggung

Kalau terasa kurang, Mommies bisa menambahkannya dengan gerakan merenggangkan punggung. Caranya dengan membalik kursinya, dan pegang punggung dari kursinya. Lalu mundur, sehingga punggung sejajar dengan bahu dan buka kaki selebar pinggul dan dorong bokong ke belakang – pelan-pelan luruskan tangannya, kuatkan kakinya dan posisi kepala rileks ke bawah. Lalu tarik perut ke atas sehingga punggung bisa netral, jangan lupa aturan napasnya ya Mommies.

Kalau mau ditambah dengan peregangan kaki, angkat jari kaki dan tekan bola kaki ke bawah, tahan di situ dan napas. Pelan-pelan turunkan jari kaki, angkat kepala dan baru jalan ke depan secara perlahan.

Kalau sudah, masih keadaan berdiri, tutup matanya dan tenangkan diri dulu, sambil bernapas tekan kaki ke arah bumi. Tarik napas angkat tangannya, buang napas turun ke bawah (lakukan gerakan ini tangan ini sebanyak tiga kali). Pelan-pelan turunkan tangannya ke arah dada, secara bersamaan dagu ke arah dada, pelan-pelan buka mata dan rasakan sensasi tenang dan segar sesaat melakukan ritual ini.

Selamat mencoba di kantor :) 

Video Yoga untuk Menghilangkan Stres (Yoga Video for Stress Relief) - Mommies Daily

Video Yoga untuk Menghilangkan Stres yang saya buat bersama Mommies Daily.

Tautan asli dari video ini adalah:
1. http://mommiesdaily.com/2015/06/05/yoga-stres-reliefe/
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=396&v=fRcUxX0NDX0


Yoga Video for Stress Relief that I made with Mommies Daily.

The original link from this video is:

1. http://mommiesdaily.com/2015/06/05/yoga-stres-reliefe/
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=396&v=fRcUxX0NDX0


Dengan beberapa gerakan sederhana yoga, ternyata mampu membuat kita lebih rileks, bahkan mampu ‘melepaskan’ stress.
Dalam hidup, pasti kita nggak akan bisa lepas dari masalah yang bikin pusing tujuh keliling. Dari pada menghindarinya, lebih baik latih diri kita menjadi pribadi yang lebih tenang. Tahukah Mommies, dengan melakukan beberapa gerakan yoga ternyata bisa membantu sendi-sendi dan peredaran darah menjadi lebih lancar?

Berikut ada beberapa gerakan yoga yang sederhana dan bisa kita lakukan di rumah. Gerakan ini dipercaya ampuh untuk membantu kita lebih tenang saat menghadapi stress. Kita praktik, yuk.

Video Yoga di Kantor untuk Ibu Hamil (Yoga at the Office Video for Pregnant Mother) - AyahBunda

Saya merasa senang dapat menjadi konsultan untuk video Yoga di Kantor untuk Ibu Hamil yang dibuat oleh Majalah AyahBunda.

Simak penjelasan saya tentang gerakan yoga ini pada akhir video.

Link asli dari video ini adalah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3IQynkObWE


I am happy to be a consultant for Yoga at the Office Video for Pregnant Mother that is made by AyahBunda Magazine.

View my explanation about the yoga poses at the end of the video.

The original link to the video is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3IQynkObWE

24 September 2015

Bourbon Tasting - Between Wild Turkey and American Honey

Stronger and sweeter. Well-aged and better quality. That is what Bourbon is all about compare to other whiskeys. It has to be distilled from at least 51% corn, aged at least two years in new charred oak barrels and contains nothing but distilled water. Bourbon can only be made in America, and most of them are produced in Kentucky.

When you go to a Bourbon bar, try this password to open its barrel of happiness. 
Neat for only Bourbon. 
Rocks for the Bourbon with ice. 
Straight up for shaken or stirred with ice and strained into a glass. 
Cocktail for mixing it with any other drinks.

Recently, I receive an invitation to taste and compare 5 kinds of Bourbon from Wild Turkey - Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey by Master Distiller Jimmy Russell and Master Distiller Eddie Russell. From the event that night, I learn that tasting the Bourbon is just like tasting the wine and coffee. 
First of all, you need to check its color that tells you about its age. More color means it is well-aged. 
Secondly, you need to smell and taste it too. These words will come out from your senses: woody, vanilla, caramel, leather, tobacco, honey, etc. 
And at the end, you need to tell how you feel after drinking it. Smooth or kicking? Spicy or hot?

Wild Turkey 101 Proof - Bourbon is the first one ever produced. Its color is deep amber. Its taste is full and bold. There are oak and coffee flavors in between the smell. The brown sugar and tobacco after-taste bring a stronger kick.

Wild Turkey 81 Proof - Bourbon has a mellow characteristic. Its color is lighter than Wild Turkey 101. It smells and tastes like burnt caramel and almonds.

Wild Turkey Rare Breed Bourbon is bottled directly from a variety of barrels. Its color is darker than Wild Turkey 101. It smells like tobacco. It tastes like spices in our kitchen. Chillies, black pepper and ginger. Spicy and hot.

Master's Keep - a Bourbon 17 Years in the Making, looks a bit clear with its light brown color. Its aroma is like caramel. Its taste is between spices and oak.

Wild Turkey American Honey is a mix between pure honey and real Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey. It tastes smooth and sweet, with a smell of caramel and orange. This is definitely my favorite one!

At the end of that night, I also learn that the Bourbon works better than a man. When the Bourbon is getting older, its taste is getting better. When a man is getting older, there must be one thing from him that is not working properly. So, ladies, when your man is broken, it is the right time for you to turn to a Bourbon.

Enjoy your drink, everybody!

My Interview with Dian Siswarini (CEO of PT XL Axiata) - the Jakarta Post

I am with Dian Siswarini, the CEO of PT XL Axiata.

It is an honor for me to interview this super woman on behalf of the Jakarta Post to talk about the leadership she applies in the company and her career in telecommunication world. I can not imagine that this lady is used to climb the telecommunication towers. I am amazed! 

You can enjoy the article I write for the Jakarta Post at this link: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/09/07/dian-siswarini-leveraging-a-solid-team-build-future.html 

To make it easier, you can read it also below as I copy paste it. Enjoy! 


Dian Siswarini is at the top of the ladder building stronger human resources to boost business performance.

The nitty-gritty of creating solid synergy lies in the ability to utilize the best skills from team members, said Dian Siswarini, the newly appointed CEO of PT XL Axiata. “This way we all can walk together in the same direction.” 

She believes that solid synergy builds a great team, which in turn can contribute to the advancement of the company. So, as she added, a highly functioning team is what she needed to achieve such a goal. 

“I’m convinced that the goal of building a strong team in any company is achievable, so long as the leader keeps having a positive impact on each of the members in my team. It is also important to note that a leader should have open hands to help them produce optimum results. By nature, good leaders should do their best to work efficiently, guide their subordinates to priority tasks and create a sense of happiness when tasks are completed. Only happy employees will do more work and serve happy customers,” she explained. 

Many will see the difficulty of Dian’s leadership at an IT-related company in a highly male-dominated sector. Some consider the IT industry a female-unfriendly environment. Despite all the stereotypes one she could be labelled with, Dian has proven otherwise. 

She disagrees that technology and telecommunications are a man’s world. She strongly commented that it is for both sides. “In a job, there is no separation between the job for men and the job for women. Everyone is treated equally. The fact is that many of the competent people who have graduated from our training are women. In general, women are more cautious. One example is when climbing a telecommunication tower, most women will pay more attention to detail when it comes to the use of a safety belt, complete tools, and so on, as we know this activity is dangerous; while many men may not take it as seriously.”

To cut it short, both genders have advantages and disadvantages. However, Dian said that one of the advantages of being a female leader is that she gets used to multi-tasking. “There are many career women who have to do regular domestic tasks, such as preparing breakfast for their family before getting ready to work. For a woman, this multi-tasking ability has the potential to enhance her skills in handling people’s problems. That’s the kind of skill needed to lead a team.” 

Dian remarks that there is a very small number of women at the helm of companies, especially big corporations. She said that this is due to the fact that they often feel that being a leader is not their priority. “Some of them also have a lack of confidence to demand what they want in a job offer; this includes the willingness to achieve a higher position. They are often portrayed as having less bargaining power compared to their male counterparts.”

Winning strategy 

According to Dian there are challenges that need to be resolved in the telecommunications sector. “And XL is no exception. We are more product driven rather than market driven. Winning the customers’ hearts is one big challenge. So, it’s important to know what the customers want, the problems they face and the complaints they have. Next is to try to find the right solutions in a win-win situation.”

Currently, XL’s revenue market share is at around 19-20 percent. “We are now in the middle of doing a comprehensive business transformation to boost the company’s profitability. And my focus as the CEO is to ensure our business transformation agenda runs as planned.”

Dian sees the role of human resources as crucial to ensure the company’s business transformation. “As the customers and market are quickly adapting the new technology, it’s now time to adopt to the changes in the customer behavior and market. You have to adopt new things, and this can only be achieved if you have learning agility.” 

Under her leadership, XL puts emphasis honing its human resources skills through a special assessment that measures their learning agility. She said that learning agility had been an important part of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that they must achieve. “The employees who can show a larger value of learning agility get more chances to receive more training and are appreciated with higher values and better promotions.”

She also stresses the importance of creating a homey working environment. She encourages everyone in the company to strengthen each other’s formal relationship in the workplace and an informal relationship outside work. “This is a potential for everyone to win everyone’s heart. Understanding each other’s character and background can lead to a more efficient working relationship. And that will pave the way for building a solid team!” 


Majalengka, West Java, May 5, 1968

Career Highlights

Chief executive officer of PT XL Axiata (April 2015–present); previously was the company’s deputy chief executive officer (January–March 2015); group chief of marketing & operations at Axiata Group, Malaysia (2014); chief of digital services officer (2013), director network services (2007-2013) and VP network (2005-2007) at PT XL Axiata. 


Undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (1988); Harvard Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School, US (2013).

At Ease

Family activities 

Having a quality family time is what I treasure the most when I’m away from work. I like to spend moments with my husband and our three children watching movies, traveling and doing sports. These activities can bring us closer together, and I’m so proud that I finally can influence the kids to play golf too. 


My family and I spent our last holiday hiking at Rinjani Mountain. We put Japan at the top of our list of overseas travel destinations. I like Japan very much for the country’s rich culture, tradition and safety. In Indonesia, Bali is thus far still the best holiday destination. 

Staying fit 

To keep my body fit and healthy, I exercise at the gym three times a week and participate in the 5K running competition. I want to restart the health program again after being off for some time. Doing sports is not only beneficial for health, but in some cases, especially when playing golf, it has networking potential to add value to the business.

21 September 2015

Fashion Report: Marks & Spencer - Autumn / Winter 2015 Trend

The British character fits the autumn / winter seasons around the world. Warm and homy, traditional and elegant. Together with Grazia Indonesia Magazine, the fashion style by Marks & Spencer colors the world with its Art of British that melts down the coldness of the season. 

For Women. 
Its refined fabric shows the elegant and simple cut on their clothes. The designers smartly combine the traditional lines with the brand new designs. The color is sophistically calm and grounding. Feel secured and warm under all the feminine clothes, but look playful through all the details. 

For Men. 
Classic, modern, and rich. No one knows if the men go formal or casual. Some of the super-slim fit lines are truly designed for the metrosexual ones. Warm and tender, the guys look so cool and cold. Very British. Like James Bond 007. 

Beauty Report: The Luxury Timeless Beauty of ULTIMA II Delicate Lipstick

ULTIMA II launches Delicate Lipstick to enhance stylish and luxurious everyday looks.

Together with Grazia Indonesia Magazine, ULTIMA II invites Indonesian women to plan a beauty for today and the future with decorative cosmetics that have a skincare benefits. Delicate Lipstick is enriched with moisturizers, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, so that the lips look smooth, soft, and elegant. The color is excellence, stylish, and does not easily fade. It is appropriate for active women who are concerned with health and skin moisture.

The four 4 colors that look good on Asian skin are Fabulous Fuchsia, Radiant Ruby, Amazing Apricot and Passionate Plum.

04 September 2015

Exploring Le Gran Cafe and Aoki Japanese Cuisine at Gran Mahakam Hotel

Gran Mahakam Hotel  
Jln. Mahakam I no.6, 
Blok M, 
Jakarta 12130
Tel: +6221-7209-966 
E-mail: dopr@granmahakam.com; pro@granmahakam.com

Blok M area is not a new place for me. I had the moments when I took a bus from the station and shopped around the malls there. My previous office was located in the area too. And Gran Mahakam Hotel is not so strange for me because I had taken my previous clients to have the business meetings in the restaurants of the hotel. When I received the invitation to have a Dinner Gathering in the hotel, all of the sudden, all the good memories return to my mind. I am so excited to feel the old atmosphere again.

As I enter the hotel, I can feel that there is nothing change there. It still feels the same way. So homy and comfortable. I always love the warm feeling I get in its lobby.

As I go up to the function room where the event is held, I can see some of the hotel guests are relaxing their mind by sitting comfortably at the couch in the lobby that feels like our living room in our house.

The Gran Mahakam Hotel is designed in the European-baroque-style architecture, so you feel like going to an old building in most of the places in Europe. The hotel is a boutique style hotel which means that guests can expect an intimate atmosphere when they stay here.

The hotel holds the Dinner Gathering to introduce the signature food of the two restaurants in the hotel, Le Gran Cafe and Aoki Japanese Cuisine. Le Grand Cafe is known for its superb International Buffet and Indonesian Cuisines, while Aoki Japanese Cuisine is known for its authentic Japanese food.

The event is started with a Blind Food Tasting. The hotel team prepares Putu Mayang - the traditional Indonesian snack, Sushi roll and Raspberry Sorbet. What we should do is to guess the ingredients of the food. I know what kind of food I eat, but I give the wrong name for the first food - I named it with one of Indonesian singers Mayang Sari, and I can not describe the ingredients of the Sushi and the Sorbet. Damn! I fail! LOL!
What I learn so far from this session is that our eyes is the main source of our taste. Once we close our eyes, our tongue and mouth might know what kind of food we eat, but our brain can not explain the ingredients of the food that we eat. Amazing experience!
That is the reason why they say "Eyes are the windows of the heart" and "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Ladies and gentlemen, our eyes are the key to our joy and happiness, so please take care of them.
(The photo is taken from Billy's camera).

OK, it is time to eat with open eyes :-D


Gado-Gado Padang 
(Mixed vegetables with the signature Padang peanut sauce on top)

The sauce is delicious that I and my food buddy, Billy, request for the second bowl of sauce. The taste of the sauce is sweet and fresh, and I guess it fits the taste in the tongue of both Asian and Western people. This is one of the best food that night.

Fresh Crab Hand Roll 
(Crab meat wrapped in soy paper with fresh tuna on top)

The unique thing about this food is that you can eat the crispy soy paper. There is an art to eat this food. You need to start from the bottom until you reach the top of it where you can find the tuna. So exciting!


Soto Padang 
(Angel hair, potato, jerked beef served in the signature soup from West Sumatra)

The broth from the soup is delicious and warm. This soup is good for those who like rich taste in a bowl. You need to try its delicious chilly sauce / sambal that is placed inside a mini green bowl from a lime. Don't worry about the taste of the sambal, I think it has been adjusted to meet Westerners standard of hotness :-D
Don't forget to pour the lime to the soup to add the feeling of fresh and juicy, and to eat the pink crackers to feel the kampung or village moment from the bowl.
You can order the soup and combine it with rice. Hot soup and hot rice are the best friend for a rainy day :-)


Nasi Daun Jeruk 
(Rice with lime leaves served with ayam masereh; shredded chicken with chili sauce, mixed vegetables with anchovies, squid with green chili sauce, jerked beef, satay, dried potato and our signature peanut brittle)

Special flavored rice with many assorted Indonesian side dishes of meat and vegetables! Perfect for those who are really hungry. This is unique for me as the one I usually eat in a special occasion is Nasi Kuning or Yellow Rice, and its yellow color is from turmeric. The rice I eat in the gathering is Nasi Daun Jeruk or Lime Leaves Rice, and its green color is from the leaves, so I can call it Green Rice. This Green Rice can be used as an alternative to replace Yellow Rice when the chef is running out of turmeric :-)
Forget about ordinary steak and other meat with their basic sauces and condiments. This dish is good if you want to sample the spices in Indonesia that are mixed in the food, such as lemongrass (Sereh) and chilies. Like the rainbow, you can find many colors of Indonesia from this dish. From salty to savory, from sweet to spicy. I think this is the best signature food from the hotel.
By the way, Yellow Rice in Indonesia is only available when we celebrate special occasion and ceremony. It is made in a cone-shaped like mountain just like this dish, but in a bigger size, with banana leaf on its base. We also call it Nasi Tumpeng. In 2014, the Indonesian Government awarded Nasi Tumpeng as the official national dish of Indonesia, and describe it as "the dish that binds the diversity of Indonesian various culinary traditions".

Truffle Beef Bowl 
(Japanese slices marinated beef sprinkled with the finest Truffle sauce and scallion served on steamed Japanese rice)

After all the spicy food I eat, this dish neutralizes all aspects of my taste buds. The sweetness of the Truffle sauce can turn the rock n' roll music in mouth to a romantic song. The dish is good enough for a fan of sweet and savory. The stickiness of the Japanese rice is perfect. And I start to slow down everything, because my belly is so full :-))


Es Tape Hijau 
(Mixed of tape ketan, tape singkong, kopyor, kolang kaling with milk, coconut milk and syrup)

The duo of fermented sticky rice and fermented cassava are dominating the taste of this dessert. The interesting strong aroma from the fermented ingredients and the sweetness of other fruits and syrups are good combination to freshen my throat after I eat so many kind of food. The naturally occurring coconut mutant (Kopyor) and the fruit of sugar palm tree (Kolang Kaling) add freshness to the dessert. Check out the color, very pinky! The traditional shaved ice can show you that Indonesia has its own version of ice cream :-D

Mochi Ice Cream 
(Japanese confection made from mocha - pounded sticky rice - with green tea ice cream filling) 

For a fan of ice cream and not too sweet dessert, this is a good choice for you. The ice cream is very smooth and the sticky rice balances the coldness in the dessert.

The night is still young as we realize that all the people who attend the dinner gathering get many special prizes from the hotel and a sponsor.

The hotel gives a Teddy Bear and a brunch voucher for two people. The Teddy Bear is definitely mine! And the voucher will be given to special people in my life. Who are they? I will update you later ya :-)
The other sponsor in the gathering, Code Hunter application from Alternative Media Group, gives Nescafe Dolce Gusto - the coffee maker. Oh my God! I had been wanting this coffee maker for so long, and finally my dream comes true. Woho!
Code Hunter is a code hunting games application in the smartphones that can be downloaded from the Google Play and App Store. There will be reward for the hunters who are able to collect the most points through the certain media they see. The coffee maker is a part of the rewards, and the biggest prize is a car and motorcycles. So if you want to get many gifts in your life, you can download the app in your smartphones. Good luck!

Going home with a satisfied belly, a Teddy Bear, a brunch voucher at Gran Mahakam Hotel and a Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee maker from Code Hunter app, I just can't deny the joy and happiness I get from the gathering :-)

Thank you, Gran Mahakam Hotel and Code Hunter app from Alternative Media Group, for a night of joy...

Have a great dining, everyone!